F's & V's
Grains & Starches

Which of the following aren't high protein choices: 

Tofu, Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Steak, Hamburger, Lentils, Chicken, Green beans

Green beans (these are veggies, not dried legumes like chickpeas, black beans and lentils that are good vegetarian sources of protein)


What does F & V stand for?

Why are they good for us?

Fruits & Vegetables

Give us Vitamins, Minerals & Fiber


What portion of Health Canada's Healthy Plate is devoted to Grains & Starches?



True/False: If you eat fat, you'll get fat

False: We NEED fats to live!


This sweet treat is actually healthy! It's an antioxidant, healthy for the heart and brain!

Dark Chocolate

Bonus: To be good for you, you should choose one that contains 70% _________


A vegan diet avoids all foods that come from ANY __________

Animals/Fish/Sometimes even insects!

(No eggs, dairy, meat, fish, poultry... Sometimes no honey)


To keep blood sugar stable, we should eat foods containing protein how often?

Every meal (every 3-4 hours)


According to Canada's Healthy Plate model, how much of your plate/meal should be veggies?

Half of your plate (at every meal!)


Grains and starches are our main source of this macronutrient: _____________________



Which food does not provide healthy fat: Fish, avocado, olives, almonds, ice cream

Ice cream :)


Living in Canada, most kids age 6-12 need to take this vitamin daily because we can't get enough sunlight to make it naturally (especially in the winter). How much sun exposure do you need to make enough of this vitamin?

You need 20 minutes of FULL body sun exposure between 10am-2pm to make enough vitamin D!


If dairy upsets your stomach, you likely have a _________ intolerance



How much of your plate should be protein (based on Canada's healthy plate model)



What does it mean to "eat the rainbow"? 

Give examples for each colour: red, orange/yellow, green, blue.

Choose brightly coloured fruits and vegetables to get more nutrients. 

- Red – Helps heart health and memory function.

- Orange/Yellow – Boosts immune function and promotes eye health.

- Green – Enhances detoxification and contains vitamins essential for healthy bones.

- Blue/Purple – Protects cells from damage and reduces inflammation.


Carbohydrates turn into this when they are digested: __________________________ which acts as a main fuel to give us energy.



Which of the food groups typically ALSO has some fat in it: 

Meats & Alternatives

Fruits & Veggies

Grains & Starches

Meats and alternatives (nuts, seeds, meat, fish, eggs are all good sources of protein and of fats)


How much of the body is water? (percentage)

60% roughly


People who have Celiac's disease can't consume ANY


(found in wheat, rye, spelt, barley, kamut)


Which of the following isn't a function of healthy protein:

- neurochemicals (mood/mental health)

- muscle growth (strength/performance)

- Energy production (keeps metabolism burning)

- Makes us gain too much unhealthy weight

Weight gain. Eating enough protein helps us gain healthy weight (muscle) and keeps our metabolism going so we burn our stored fuel (fats) and have energy all day and stay healthy and active!


Vitamin A is high in what coloured veggies?

Orange ones! Carrots, squash, etc.


If we don't need all of the energy our food gives us, what will our body do with the extra calories so we can have it when we need it?

Store it as fat, which can be then burned as fuel when we need more energy.


True/False: Eating healthy fats with our meals helps us to feel full ("satiated")

True. Our body sends us cravings if we don't give it what we need, if we eat balanced meals that include protein, fat and carbs then our bodies tend to feel full.


Which foods should we try to eat for healthy bones? Why?

Dairy and dairy alternatives, Almonds, Tahini (hummus), Salmon, Broccoli are all good sources of calcium


A Vegetarian (Lacto - Ovo) typically does consume which animal products

Eggs, Dairy


Protein is made from "building blocks" called ______ _______

Amino Acids.

Amino acids make all of our neurochemicals (feel good hormones) and are the basis of our physical structure (eg. muscle mass)


Vitamin C is needed for a healthy immune system and healthy skin. What foods are high in vitamin C?

Citrus, Red pepper. 

1 cup of red pepper has 3x the recommended intake of vitamin C!


Which is a healthier choice: whole grains or refined grains (and why)?

Whole grains contain the bran which provides fiber and nutrients


Which organ in the body is made up mostly of fat and needs fat to function?

The brain


We need water to flush out toxins and help us regulate our temperature. Common signs of dehydration are:

Dry mouth, irritability or lack of focus, dizziness, fatigue, not being able to sweat, dark yellow or cloudy urine, constipation, muscle cramps


Vegans, Vegetarians and those who don't eat enough animal protein may need to take which supplements to make up for things that may be low in their diet


Vitamin B12



What are symptoms of protein deficiency 


How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you aim for daily?

5 or more (at least some being veggies)


If you eat a plain muffin or bagel for breakfast and Doritos or goldfish for lunch, what will likely happen to your energy level after lunch?

It will crash! You will have trouble concentrating/focusing and will likely feel tired or 'hangry'


Deep fried foods are a main source of what kind of fats that are damaging to our health: __________

Trans fats  - these fats are made from partially hydrogenated oils and cause disease


75 grams of added ________ weakens your immune system for ______ hours!

75 grams or more of sugar weakens your immune system for 5 hours.

  • can of pop = 40 grams of sugar
  • low-fat, sweetened yogurt = 40-50gm
  • cupcake = 46 grams of sugar
  • Sports drinks = 35+ grams of sugar
  • 11 gummy bears = 19 grams of sugar

Is it healthier to eat a wide variety of healthy whole foods, including treats now and then, and to eat until your body is full

OR to stress about only eating specific super healthy foods and restricting the amounts of what you eat even if you are still hungry?

Whole 'real' foods always have the most nutrients, the highest fiber to help us stay healthy and feel like our best selves. BUT, it is not healthy to be obsessed with health or diets and to become afraid of eating treats now and then! Try to eat 80% heathy whole foods and allow yourself to enjoy the treats that don't bother your body now and then.