Factors Affecting
Altered Nutrition
Assessment Data
Foodborne Illness
Nursing Know How
Nutrients requirements are different because of muscle mass and reproductive function.
What is Gender?
In practice, includes overnutrition or under nutrition.
What is malnutrition?
Skinfold measurement, mid-arm circumference, and mid-arm muscle area change slowly and reflect chronic rather than acute changes in nutritional status.
What is anthropometric measurements?
Occurs due to eating undercooked or raw meat, eggs, fish and causes fever, abdominal cramping and diarrhea.
What is Salmonella?
Assessed every 4 hours, this measurement reflects how well a patient is tolerating his/her enteral feeding.
What is a residual?
Often determines food preferences or traditional foods.
What is ethnicity and culture?
When the BMI or Body Mass Index, is between 25 and 29.9 kg/ m2
What is the definition of an overweight person?
Binds and carries iron from the intestines through the serum but due to its shorter half-life responds more quickly to protein depletion?
What is transferrin?
Causes severe diarrhea and usually found in raw hamburger
What is E. Coli 0157:H7?
These are the methods for determining nasogastric tube placement prior to administrating a medication via tube.
What is an air bolus, aspiration of gastric fluids, and pH test?
Infancy, adolescents, adults, or geriatric patients requre adjustments in needs for nutrients.
What is the patient's developmental stage?
When the BMI or Body Mass Index, is greater than 30 kg/m2
What is the definition of obesity?
Also known as transthyyretin, has the shortest half-life and smallest body pool and is therefore the most responsive serum protein to rapid change in nutritional status.
What is Pre-albumin?
Milk, peanuts, fish, eggs, wheat
What is common food allergies?
This enteral access device is used for clients at high risk for aspiration.
What is small bore feeding tubes?
The effects can vary considerably and may alter appetite, disturb taste perception, or interfere with absorption or excretion of nutrients.
What is Medication affects on nutrition?
Refers to an intake of insufficient calories/nutrients to meet daily energy requirements due to inadequate food intake.
What is undernutrition?
Certain nutrient deficiences and forms of PCM (protein calorie malnutrition) can depress the immune system as reflected in this lab test.
What is the Total Lymphocyte Count
Final recommended day of sale of a food product
What is the Sell-by-Date?
A device created by using an endoscope to visualize the inside of the stomach and inserting a catheter through a subcutaneous puncture.
What is a PEG tube?
Overeating, or consuming too few calories due to stress, depression, or loneliness.
What is the psychological factors affecting nutrition?
Most often seen in starving children of underdeveloped countries is now also recognized as a significant problem of clients with long-term deficiences in caloric intake.
What is protein-calorie malnutrition?
This test compares the intake of nitrogen or grams of protein, to the nitrogen output in a 24 hour period.
What is nitrogen balance
Amount of time that eggs can be stored in refrigerator in shell
What is 3 weeks?
Used when client cannot consume adequate nutrients and calories orally, but maintains a partially functional GI system.
What is enteral nutrition (NG tube, NI tube)?