Vitamin Functions
Vitamin Deficiency
Vitamin Food Sources
Mineral Food Sources

Name the 4 vitamins we have discussed in class. 

Vitamin A, C, D, K


Name two minerals.

Will accept any two of the following: Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Fluoride.

Why would a vitamin deficiency be a bad thing?

Because your body needs vitamins to help function properly, a deficiency would impair your body's ability to function. 


What are good food sources for Vitamin A?

  • Leafy greens (broccoli, kale, spinach)

  • Orange & yellow vegetables (carrots, sweet potato)

  • Tomatoes 

  • Milk 

  • Eggs  


What are good food sources for Calcium?

  • Milk

  • Yogurt

  • Cheese

  • Canned sardines

  • Canned salmon 

  • Canned vegetables


What is the function of Vitamin C?

  • Collagen synthesis

    • Vitamin C’s role: stitching the collagen in place 

    • Vital role in wound healing

  • Antioxidant

    • Water-soluble

      • Protects cell from damage 


What is the function of Calcium?

  • Help move muscles

  • Carry messages between brain & body through nerves 

  • Helps blood vessels move blood throughout the body 

  • Helps release hormones in the body

    • Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium 


What is a deficiency of Vitamin K?

  • Hemophilia

    • Bleeding disorder where blood doesn’t clot properly 

    • Significant bleeding 

    • More likely to bleed more 

  • Poor bone development 

  • Osteoporosis

    • Bone disease where mineral density and bone mass decreases 

    • Structure and strength of bones change 

  • Increased cardiovascular disease risks

    • Cardiac arrest 

    • Stroke 

    • High blood pressure 

    • Arrhythmia 


What are good food sources for Vitamin C?

  • Citrus fruits 

  • Bell peppers 

  • Strawberries 

  • Tomatoes 

  • Cruciferous vegetables 

  • White potatoes 


What are good food sources for Iron?

  • Red meat 

  • Seafood 

  • Beans 

  • Dark green leafy vegetables (spinach) 

  • Foods containing vitamin C to enhance iron absorption

    • Drinking citrus juice (orange juice) 


What is the function of Vitamin D?

  • To maintain the normal range of calcium and phosphorus in the blood

    • Promotes calcium absorption in the gut 

  • Stores calcium in the bones 

  • Helps remineralize bones 

  • “Building and maintaining healthy bones” 


What is the function of Magnesium?

  • Regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and making protein, bone, and DNA 

  • Bone health

    • Helps bones remain strong 

    • Greater bone mineral density with a higher magnesium diet 

    • 60% of magnesium is stored in bones 

    • When magnesium levels are too low, insufficient parathyroid hormone is produced and blood calcium levels are also reduced 


What is a deficiency of Vitamin A?

  • Vision loss or blindness 

  • Dry, scaly, and/or itchy skin 

  • Infertility

  • Respiratory tract infections


What are good food sources for Vitamin K?

  • Leafy greens: callard & turnip greens

  • Kale 

  • Spinach 

  • Broccoli 

  • Brussel sprouts 

  • Cabbage 

  • Lettuces 

  • Soybean 

  • Canola oil 

  • Salad dressing w/soybean or canola oil (phyl.)

  • Natto (fermented soybeans)

  • Smaller amounts of meat

  • Cheese

  • Eggs


What are good food sources for Magnesium?

  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach) 

  • Legumes (edamame, black beans, kidney beans)

  • Nuts (almonds, cashews, and peanuts) 

  • Seeds (pumpkin and chia seeds) 

  • Whole grains 

  • Fruits (bananas, apricots, avocados)

  • Milk 

  • Fortified cereals 


What is the function of Vitamin A?

  • involved in night vision, immune function, cellular communication, growth and development, reproductive health

  • stimulate the production and activity of white blood cells, takes part in remodeling bone, helps maintain healthy endothelial cells

  • helps in maintenance of many organs including the heart, lungs, and eyes 


What is the function of Iron?

  • Helps maintain healthy blood 

  • Iron is a major component of hemoglobin & myoglobin

    • Hemoglobin: found in red blood cells and facilitates transport of oxygen to tissues 

    • Myoglobin: found in skeletal and heart muscle, functions as oxygen storage in muscle 


What is a deficiency of Vitamin D?

  • Low calcium levels in the blood

    • Decrease in vitamin D levels = decrease in ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus 

  • Loss of bone density

    • Can lead to osteoporosis, osteopenia, osteomalacia, and rickets 

    • Weaker bones and higher chance of bone fractures 

  • Increased muscle pain and weakness 


What are good food sources for Vitamin D?

  • Fatty fish

    • Salmon

    • Tuna

    • Herring 

    • Trout 

    • Cod liver oil 

    • Sardines 

  • Fortified Milk

    • Dairy almond 

  • Dairy products

    • Yogurt 

    • Cheese 

  • Tofu 

  • Fortified cereal 

  • Mushrooms 

  • Beef liver 

  • Fortified orange juice 

  • Egg yolks 


Foods containing Vitamin C can help with absorption of which mineral?



What is the function of Vitamin K?

  • Blood clotting

    • Vitamin K creates 4/13 proteins needed for blood clotting 

    • Prothrombin: protein dependent protein for clotting 

  • Bone health

    • Vitamin K creates proteins in the body for bone health 

    • Osteocalcin: protein used for bone weakness prevention, create healthy bone tissue 

  • Decreased heart disease risk

    • Produces matrix GLA proteins: prevent calcification or hardening of the heart arteries 


Vitamin D helps your body absorb what mineral?



What is a deficiency of Vitamin C?

  • Scurvy

    • Symptoms

      • Bleeding gums 

      • Loosened teeth 

      • Muscle degeneration 

      • Bone fragility 

      • Skin spots 

      • Hair loss

      • Delayed skin wound healing 

      • Fatigue 

      • Malaise


What is an easy way we can ensure that we are getting all these vitamins in our everyday diet?

Eat a variety of food!!


Eating a variety of food can help ensure what?

That you get enough minerals in your everyday diet.