What are some ways of disrupting stigmas having to do with body image?
Self-awareness, educating ourselves, and meeting them where they are at.
is a measurement of a person's leanness or corpulence based on their height and weight, and it is intended to qualify tissue mass.
Body mass index
What are the benefits to fitness and excercise?
Reduced risk of obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety.
What a persistent refusal to eat accompanied by an irrational fear of being overweight?
Excessive caloric intake, insufficient exercise, and lack of access to safe and affordable fitness centers all all factors of what?
What class section are we in, in our human development class?
Weight comes not only from ___ but also from different bone structures, muscle mass, and _____. (Heneghan, 2017)
Fat, and water retention
Are the fitness classes at the well free for students and outsiders to use?
Just students + a guess pass if you want to bring someone.
What is a disease in which people alternate between binge eating, periods when they eat uncontrollably and purging with self-induced vomiting, laxatives, fasting, or excessive exercise.
Bulimia Nervosa
Is obesity a chronic disease?
Yes, obesity is considered a complex chronic disease.
The effect on ______ often lead to decrease in health seeking behaviors?
Weight stigmatization
What concentration are you?
Free response
Physicians can also help people of all body sizes improve their health without making recommendations based on ____.
How have you grown in this program?
Free response
Is obesity considered a disability?
Obesity is considered a disability if it's caused by an underlying condition, such as diabetes or heart disease
Sizeism is so harmful that even anticipating it is linked to
psychological problems.
How many categories is the BMI scale divided into?
What's our room number for our human development class?
How many assignments do we have in our Human Development class do we have in total?
Is obesity a mental illness?
No, obesity is not a mental illness, but it can be linked to mental health conditions.
Is body image stigma real?
What are some common misconceptions of the BMI scale?
it measures excess weight rather than excess fat and it doesn't take into consideration where weight is distributed through the body.
What is the recommended time frame/number of days for adolescents and exercise?
30 min, and 3 days a week.
What is Binge eating disorder?
is a disorder similar to bulimia where the person eats uncontrollably however it is not followed by purging.
What are some variables towards obesity?
socioeconomic status, culture, heredity, parental lifestyles, sedentary lifestyles,