Infant Formula
Anticipatory Guidance
Vitamin Deficiencies

This ensures that all infant formulas sold in the US are essentially similar.

What is Federal Law?


This sentence is often considered the MOST important principle for managing a picky eater.

What is: "The parent chooses what they will serve and the child chooses how much of it they will eat"?


This newborn injection is strongly recommended in order to prevent hemorrhagic disease in a newborn.

What is Vitamin K?


A rule of thumb in infant growth is that they tend to double their birthweight by this age and triple it by this age. 

What is 5 months and 1 year?


An 8 year old whose diet consists of macaroni and cheese and chocolate milk develops a disability due to bone pain, bleeding gums, and a petechial rash. He has this diagnosis.

What is scurvy? (Vitamin C deficiency)


Properly mixed powdered infant formula has 20 kcal/oz when prepared this way. 

What is 1 scoop of formula/2 oz of water?


The introduction of cow's milk before 1 year of age is associated with the development of this.

What is Iron-deficiency anemia?


The AAP recommends a straw cup be introduced at this age.

What is 6-8 months?


After the first few weeks of life, a baby should drink up to this amount of formula (in oz/kg) every 3-4 hours.

What is 1 oz/1kg (1 oz/2 lb)?


Drugs, alcoholism, GI tract disease, malignancies, and a restrictive diet can cause a deficiency of this vitamin, resulting in a triad of dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea. 

What is Vitamin B3 (Niacin)? 

The disease is Pellagra. 


This amount of formula if consumed daily satisfies an infant's vitamin D requirements.

What is 32 oz?


Foods that are sticky (bread, PB), hard (candy, nuts, raisins), compressible (hot dogs, grapes) along with eating while not sitting can increase the risk of this for a toddler. 

What is aspiration (choking)?


Parents should be told to watch for these three satiety cues so the infant can communicate that they are done eating.

What are: swatting the spoon away, turning the head away, and pursing the lips closed ?


5210 is a health and wellness plan that has these 4 main points. 

What is: 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, 2 or less hours of screen time per day, 1 hour of physical activity per day, and 0 sugar-sweetened beverages?


A deficiency of this vitamin, which develops due to restrictive diets especially in people who eat a lot of white rice, has this specific name and comes in two types: wet or dry. 

2 answers: vitamin and disease.

What is Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Beriberi?


These are the 4 variations of cow's milk based formulas.

What are: standard, premature, lactose-free, and protein hydrolysate?


Deficiency of this vitamin can occur in breastfed infants and toddlers who may refuse to walk, experience a growth plateau, or have poor growth in general. The Xray finding associated with it is fraying and metaphyseal cupping. 

What is Vitamin D deficiency?


Instruct parents to boil well water or pond water prior to mixing formula, but not to over-boil the water in case they have these.

What are lead pipes?


A study showed that 2 month old infants who drink from these are more likely to be overweight or obese at 2 years of age.

What are 6 oz bottles?


A deficiency of this vitamin can happen due to a vegetarian diet and can cause pallor, fatigue, decreased DTRs, macrocytic anemia, and pancytopenia.

What is Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)?


Powdered formula needs to be prepared with water heated to at least this temperature to kill Enterobacter sakazakii.

What is 70 degrees Celsius / 158 degrees Fahrenheit?


A picky toddler with an unhealthy restrictive diet is experiencing macrocytic anemia, irritability, and a failure to gain weight due to a deficiency of this water-soluble vitamin. 

What is Vitamin B9 (Folic acid, folate)?


Neurologically, a baby is ready for solids when they can do these three things. 

What is: sit up, maintain head control, and have coordinated chew and swallow ?


This growth chart is considered to be the STANDARD for the first 2 years of age, while its counterpart is considered to be a growth REFERENCE for the first two years. 

What is the WHO and the CDC growth charts?


A 12 year old girl who was recently diagnosed with celiac disease is put on a gluten-free diet, and subsequently develops nausea, a decreased appetite, and weakness. She is suffering from a deficiency of this nutrient.

What is magnesium?