What kind of nutrition do plants have?
Autotrophic nutrition
Living things that are not autotrophs are...
What is the raw sap?
It is a mixture of water and mineral salts.
What gas do plants produce?
What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis?
It allows plants to absorb energy from light.
What other living things besides plants are autotrophs?
Algae and some bacteria.
What living things are heterotrophs?
Animals, fungi, protozoa and some bacteria.
What is the name of long tubes that carry the raw sap from the root to the leaves.
Xylem vessels.
What gas do plants consume?
Carbon dioxide
In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?
In chloroplasts.
What is cellular respiration?
Cellular respiration is a process that all living things use to convert glucose into energy.
In which organelle does cellular respiration take place?
In mytochondria.
Why the raw sap travels to the leaves?
For the plant to make its own food through photosynthesis
"Plants photosynthesize during the day and respire at night". Comment the previous sentence.
Plants also breathe during the day.
What are phloem vessels?
They are long tubes that transport elaborated sap from the leaves to every part of the plant.
Autotrophic nutrition consists of...
taking inorganic matter and energy from the sun, and producing organic matter.
Heterotrophic nutrition consists of...
feeding directly on organic matter from other living beings.
What part of the root absorbs the raw sap?
The root hairs.
What are stomata?
They are small pores that the leaves of the plants have
What are the starting materials in photosynthesis? And the obtained substances?
Water, mineral salts and carbon dioxide. The obtained substances are oxygen and glucose.
Define nutrition
Nutrition consists of all the processes through which a living being obtains the matter and energy in order to survive
Name the five stages of plant nutrition.
Absortion, transport of raw sap, gas exchange, photosynthesis, transport of elaborated sap.
What is absortion?
Is the movement of water and mineral salts from the ground to the inside of the roots.
What is transpiration?
Process in which part of the water absorbed by the roots evaporates in the leaves and leaves the plant through the stomata
How is glucose used in plants?
Glucose is used to grow, to obtain energy and to store it as starch.