Social Inequities
Structural Bias
Health Outcomes
Equitable Nutrition Practices
Community Case Studies

This term refers to areas where access to affordable and nutritious food is limited

What is a food desert?


This term describes systematic policies that limit minority communities’ access to healthy food options and healthcare

What is institutional racism?


Communities without access to fresh produce have higher rates of this lifestyle-related condition

What is obesity?


This initiative partners with local farmers to make fresh produce affordable and accessible to low-income families

What is a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program?


This major U.S. city launched an initiative to convert vacant lots into community gardens, addressing local food insecurity

What is Detroit?


This demographic group is more likely to experience food insecurity in the U.S. due to systemic inequities

Who are Black and Hispanic populations?


This practice by grocery store chains limits investment in low-income areas, contributing to food deserts

What is redlining?


Food insecurity in early childhood is linked to poor academic performance and higher risk of this mental health issue

What is depression?


This federal program provides nutrition assistance to low-income pregnant women, infants, and young children

What is the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)?


This country successfully implemented a sugar tax to combat rising rates of obesity and diabetes

What is Mexico?


Children in households that fall below this threshold are at greater risk for malnutrition and poor health

What is the poverty line?


These types of biases within healthcare often result in minority patients receiving less nutritional guidance and support

What are racial and ethnic biases?


The combination of low income and food deserts increases the risk of this chronic illness, often requiring lifelong management

What is type 2 diabetes?


This approach to urban planning promotes the availability of grocery stores and farmers markets in underserved areas.

What is food justice zoning?


This coastal U.S. state created a farm-to-school program to increase children’s access to fresh, local produce in schools

What is California?


This social determinant of health often leads to poor nutrition by limiting individuals' ability to buy fresh, healthy food

What is low income?


This long-standing governmental policy restricted agricultural loans and subsidies to farmers of color

What is USDA discrimination?


Populations exposed to environmental toxins in food are more likely to develop this type of disease

What is cancer?


These community spaces allow individuals to grow their own fruits and vegetables in urban areas, addressing food deserts

What are community gardens?


This Indigenous group developed food sovereignty programs to reclaim traditional diets and combat food insecurity

Who are the Navajo Nation?


Inequities in access to safe water disproportionately affect this group in rural areas, worsening nutritional health outcomes

Who are Indigenous populations?


This structural bias limits the availability of government nutritional assistance to immigrant families

What is the public charge rule?


Limited access to prenatal care and nutritious food increases the risk of this pregnancy complication

What is preterm birth?


This educational program teaches cooking skills and nutrition to low-income families, promoting long-term health improvements

What is Cooking Matters?


This European country implemented universal school lunch programs to ensure all children receive nutritious meals

What is Finland?