What percentage of your body is water?
Which food group is rich in carbohydrates?
Define Nutrition
The study of how the body uses food to keep us healthy.
Name the mineral that is found in milk.
Which type of fat is most unhealthy?
Trans Fat
True or False.
Colorful vegetables don't have many vitamins.
Name 2 Vitamins
C, D, E, A or K
What is a calorie?
The measure of how much energy a food provides.
What are the 3 types of carbohydrates?
Simple and Complex
Name a food that doesn't have any nutrients.
Candy, soda
How many essential vitamins are there?
What are the 3 types of fats?
Saturated, Unsaturated and Trans Fat
Which nutrient helps the kidneys do their job?
Vitamin C
What is the 2nd most plentiful nutrient in our bodies?
What are 2 types (or categories) of proteins?
Animal and Vegetable
What happens to excess carbohydrates in our bodies?
The body stores them as fat.
What happens if you have vitamin deficiencies?
Illness, disease
Name the ways water helps our bodies.
Flushes toxins, Hydrates or cells, Helps the digestive system
Name 3 food sources for protein.
Name 2 minerals.
Calcium, sodium, magnesium, floride, iron or zinc.
What is the 2nd nutrient the body burns through when being active?
Name the 6 Major Nutrients
Water, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Vitamins and Minerals
Which nutrient builds and repairs new cells and tissue?
What are complex carbohydrates?
Harder for the body to break down and better for you.