Foods that start with "S"
Food Groups
Fun Facts
Food Myths

This freshwater fish contains heart healthy fats. Many farms raise these fish as the market for them increases. You may find fresh, frozen or even canned versions.

What is a salmon


This group is arguably the sweetest group compared to the rest. 100% juice is also an option for nutrition. A serving is 1 cup fresh, 1/2 dried and 1 cup 100% juice. 

What is fruit


This vegetable is a great source for vitamin C. A sulfur-like smell is omitted when cooked.

What is broccoli

Other vegetable sources of vitamin C: Kale, chili peppers, brussel sprouts and cauliflower


This food item is often eaten with soups. It has small holes in them so that they do not produce air bubbles during the baking process.

What is a cracker


This protein is found in many carbohydrate foods including bread, pasta, cakes and cookies. It should be avoided if you have Celiac Disease. Many people avoid it but do not need to.

What is gluten 


This is shredded cabbage fermented in brine. It is often eaten with bratwurst or sausages. It uses anaerobic fermentation meaning absence of oxygen. 

What is a sauerkraut


This food group consists of wheat, rice, oats, barley, cornmeal, bread, tortillas, grits, etc. 

What is a grain


This vegetable is a staple crop in the midwest and other regions of the world. It can be eaten fresh or cooked. Other products such as glue on envelopes, syrup and fuel.

What is corn


This is referred to as the "fifth taste". Other tastes include bitter, salty, sweet, and sour. This tast is found in parmesan, soy sauce and mushrooms.

What is Umami


Eating this nutrient in large quantities can cause kidney damage.

What is protein


This leafy vegetable contains the vitamin known to help with blood clotting. The cartoon character, Popeye consumes this to become stronger.  

What is spinach


This food group consists of dark green, red and orange, legumes and starches. They are naturally low in calories and fat. 

What are vegetables


Vegetarians and vegans need to consume these protein alternatives. 

What are beans, legumes, nuts and seeds


A shot of this drink contains approximately 64 mg of caffeine.

What is espresso

1 cup of regular coffee contains approximately 95 mg


Eating this nutrient will cause weight gain and type 2 diabetes

What are carbohydrates


This dish consists of a mixture of small pieces of food, typically vegetables or fruits. It is a good source of dietary fiber. 

What is a salad


Foods in this group consist of yogurt, milk, cheese, and non-dairy calcium alternatives. 

What is dairy


This food item is actually a flower (lily family). It contains many trace minerals and has antimicrobial properties. It has a spicy, pungent and slightly sweet taste with a strong odor.

What is garlic


What unit of measurement is used to determine the amount of energy a food item contains.

What is a calorie (kilocalorie)


The link between this food item and heart health is often negative. Cholesterol in this food has been researched and does not influence a person's blood cholesterol. It is safe to consume 1-2 of these per day.

What are eggs


This is the most expensive spice in the world. It has a floral, sweet and grassy flavor. It can cost up to $16 per gram ($7264 per pound). It is rare and labor-intensive to harvest. 

What is saffron


This food group consists of eggs, poultry, beans, peas, lentils, seafood, beef, pork, and game meats. 

What is protein


This pepper is now considered to be the hottest pepper in the world per Guiness Book of World Records

What is pepper "X" (2.7 million SCU)

Previous pepper was Carolina reaper (2.2 million SCU)

Jalapeno (2,500-8,000 SCU)


This fruit often has the same number of pieces. Usually contains 10 segments. 

What is an orange


The myth is that enough _______ can correct a bad diet high in sodium, refined sugars and excessive carbohydrates.

What is exercise