Healthy Eating
What's in my food?
Eat no bacteria!
Zing Eating

A single serving of ice cream is 2/3 cup, true or false?


The truth is, most of us are capable of eating more than 1 recommended serving size of dessert. However, if someone exceeds their portion size consistently, they will likely gain weight, and other unhealthy consequences too. 

Bread, pasta, beans are all examples of this food group

What is grain or starchy food?

We want to fill a quarter of our plate with starchy vegetables, or grains. 

Regularly checking the refrigerator and throwing out expired or moldy foods can avoid other foods in the fridge from getting bad. 



Mindful eating means eating before you feel uncomfortably hungry, and stop eating before you feel uncomfortably full. True or false?


Pay attention to your body's signal allows you to be more in harmony with your body, and can make the eating process more enjoyable.


MyPlate recommends 2 cups of fruit per day for the average adult. This is equal to 2 clenched fists. True or False?


2 cups of fruit per day is the recommended for a 2,000 calorie diet - our calorie needs are different depending on our height, weight, and activity level, but 2,000 kcal is the average for an adult.

1 clenched fist is approximately 1 cup, and this helps us with portion sizes!


What food group does apples belong to?

What are fruits? 

Fruits are rich in fibers, and helps us reach our vitamins and mineral goals.


Before cooking or eating, we can do this to avoid getting sick

Wash our hands!


We can enjoy our foods by touching, looking, hearing, smelling, and 

What is tasting? 

We explored the shape and texture by touching a food, color/size/appearance/shape by the look of a food, texture and component of a food by hearing the sound of a food when biting into it, fragrance by the smell of the food, and flavor by the taste of the food.


3 ounces of meat is the recommended portion of meat at one meal. True or False?


3 oz is the size of a deck of cards or the size of the palm of your hand. This ensures that you have some protein on the plate, but also allows room for fruits and vegetables (½ of the plate) and carbohydrates like rice or potatoes (¼ of the plate).


Dairy products are rich in this mineral, which is important for strong bones and teeth.

What is calcium?

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are high in calcium, which is crucial for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Calcium also plays a role in muscle function and nerve transmission


A sandwich with cheese, sliced lettuce and tomatoes left on the counter overnight is still safe to eat. True or false?


Store the leftover in the fridge can prevent the food from getting bad and making us sick.


True or False: A healthy snacking tip is to eat in front of the TV.


Eating with distractions can decrease our ability to recognize hunger and fullness and pay attention to the body’s cues.


The portion size of cereal is

What is 3/4 cup or 1 cup?

If we were to pour out 3/4 cup of cereal, it would look rather small. However, without pouring more cereals, we can add fruits, oatmeal, side yogurt or an egg, to make our meal more filling.


Meats, beans, and dairy products are rich in this nutrients.

What is protein?

Protein is the building blocks of our muscle. We need a certain amount of protein, along with other nutrients, in our diet to maintain or build our muscles. 


Thawing raw meat on the counter in room temperature is safe. True or false? 


Thawing raw meat in the refrigerator, in the microwave, or as part of cooking process keeps it at a safe temperature, preventing bacteria from growing.


True or False: When choosing a snack, it is important to focus on the NUTRIENTS of the snack instead of the calories.


Remember to focus on how you are nourishing your body with that snack! We want to have snacks that are part of a well-rounded diet.

It's recommended to fill half your plate with these.
What are fruits and vegetables?
This food item is very protein dense (rich in protein but low in calories)
What is nonfat Greek yogurt (17g protein per 100kcal)?

What is haddock fish (21g protein per 100kcal)?

What is Chicken breast (18g protein per 100kcal)?

In comparison, steak has 9g protein per 100kcal, and peanut butter has 4g/100kcal.


How long can a bowl of hot soup sit out at room temperature before it becomes unsafe to eat?

What is 4 hours? 


Choosing a balanced snack with lean protein, fat, and carbohydrate to make me feel satisfied and energized. True or False?
