How many mg of sodium are in one serving?
How many mg of potassium are in one serving?
What % daily value of sodium is in one serving of a Big Mac?
How many calories from fat are in one serving of trail mix?
110 calories
What is the serving size?
2/3 cup
How many pieces per serving?
12 pieces
What daily value % of cholesterol are in one serving with 1/2 cup of skim milk?
How many calories are in one serving of a Big Mac?
590 calories
What % daily value of protein is in one serving of trail mix?
How many calories are in per container?
1120 calories
How many total grams of fat are in one serving?
How many grams of dietary fiber are in one serving of Cheerios?
Math Required: How many calories from fat are in two serving of a Big Mac?
612 calories
How many grams of sugar are in one serving of trail mix?
What is the daily value % of vitamin D in one serving?
What is the daily value % of vitamin C in one serving?
Math Required: How many calories are in 1/2 cup of skim milk? You need to use subtraction
40 calories
How many grams of total fat is in one serving of a Big Mac?
How many calories are in one serving of trail mix?
150 calories
How many grams of protein would be in two whole containers?
Math Required: How many calories are in a whole container? Look at the number of servings and the Calories per serving to figure this out!
440 calories
How many grams of cheerios are in a serving?
Math Required: How many grams of sodium and cholesterol are in two servings of a Big Mac?
Math Required: How many mg of cholesterol are in 6 servings of trail mix?
How many grams of sugar would you consume if you at two servings of ice cream?
36 grams