Name that Nutrient
You have the RIGHT to remain safe
Yummy in the Tummy
Special Considerations
Shots, shots, shots!

This nutrient is found in bread, fruit, and vegetables and gives energy to your body.

What is a carbohydrate?


This is the number of times the nurse should check a medication prior to administration

What is three?


Type of diet that consists of broth, bouillon, coffee, tea, clear fruit juices, gelatin, and popsicles

What is a clear liquid diet?


Clients receiving enteral nutrition must be able tolerate an elevated bed position at this angle

What is 30-45 degrees?


Subcutaneous injections are given at this angle with this size needle

What is 45 degree and 5/8" or 90 degree and 3/8"


This nutrient, found in nuts, avocado, and dairy products, helps support cell growth.

What is fat?


A client states they do not want to take the morning medication being provided. The nurse decides to crush the med and give it in apple sauce. This medication "right" is being violated.

What is the "right to refuse"?


A diet with no restrictions and follows a balanced diet.

What is a regular diet?


A client with a low white blood cell count may require this diet which excludes all raw fruits and vegetables. 

What is a neutropenic diet?


Intramuscular injections are given at this angle with this length of needle

What is 90 degree and 5/8" to 1.5 inch?


This nutrient is vital for the synthesis of body tissue in growth, maintenance, and repair. This nutrient can be used as a source of energy when carbohydrates and fatty acids are not available. 

What is a protein?


`The nurse reviews the following order in the client's chart. 

Give Tylenol 650 mg PO Q6hours prn.

Without additional information, which "right" of medication administration would be violated if this is given?

What is "right reason"?


A type of diet that includes all clear liquids, plus smooth-textured dairy products, custards, vegetable juice, pureed vegetables, and all fruit juices. 

What is a full liquid diet?


These medication types would need to be substituted rather than crushed when caring for a patient with an NG tube?

What is XR, ER or enteric coated?


It is imperative for the nurse to do this to injection sites to prevent atrophy of tissue

What is rotate?


This nutrient is categorized as either water-soluble or fat-soluble.

What is a vitamin?


A medication order must address these 5 rights of medication administration

What are person, medication, dose, route, time/frequency?


Nurses may need to place a nasogastric tube for enteral nutrition. The nurse would use these anatomical landmarks for measuring tube length prior to insertion

What are nose, earlobe, and Xiphoid process?


Your client has symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of dysphagia. This "risk for" nursing diagnosis would be prudent to monitor for

What is risk for aspiration?


This is the ideal muscle to give a 4mL IM injection for an adult

What is vastus lateralis?


This nutrient is essential and has many functions; transporting nutrients and waste products, providing a structure to large molecules, promoting metabolic reactions, serving as a solvent, lubricant, and cushion, regulating body temperature, and maintaining blood volume.

What is water?


This medication administration right requires the nurse to reassess the client to determine if the desired medication affect has occurred

What is "right evaluation"?


A type of therapeutic diet that regulates the intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fats to maximize insulin action and limits blood glucose.

What is an ADA or diabetic diet?


When preparing to mix a clear and cloudy insulin in one syringe, the nurse will inject AIR into which vial of insulin first

What is cloudy?


Using these landmarks will ensure accurate access to the ventrogluteal muscle for IM injections

What are the greater trochanter, anterior superior iliac spine and iliac crest?