True or False: Micronutrients give calories
This macronutrient is the most energy-dense, providing 9 calories per gram, and it serves as a long-term energy reserve for the body.
What are the four steps to reading a nutrition label?
MyPlate encourages individuals to consume a variety of foods from five main groups. Name these five groups.
Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein foods, and dairy
True or False: Fad Diets dont work for anybody.
This essential nutrient is crucial for bone health and can be found in dairy products, fortified foods, and exposure to sunlight.
Vitamin D
This macronutrient is the body's main source of energy and is commonly found in foods like bread, pasta, and rice.
True or False: You should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day
True or False: The dairy section of MyPlate consists of only milk
True or False: Most people who try a Fad Diet do not stay on that diet consistently.
Name all the Vitamins
A, B, C, D, E, K
Sugar is what type of macronutrient?
List all the macronutrients and how many calories are in 1 gram of each.
P: 4
F: 9
C: 4
MyPlate advises individuals to drink which beverage as a primary source of hydration?
Blue Zone diets encourage the consumption of a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, providing a rich source of these important nutrients.
Vitamins and minerals
This mineral is on all nutrition labels, and you need about 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day.
Sodium (Salt)
_________ builds and repairs tissues
Create a MyPlate template for a person who is Vegan, meaning they can eat no animal products.
MyPlate recommends making half of your grains intake from which type of grains?
Whole grains
This Fad Diet has been proven to reduce the risk of certain cancers and consists of mostly whole foods and healthy fats
Mediterranean Diet
What is the difference between Vitamins and Minerals?
Vitamins are organic
Minerals are inorganic
This type of fat is considered the least healthy
Trans Fats / Saturated Fats
What is the difference between Catabolism and Anabolism
Catabolism: Breaks down foods into basic pieces
Anabolism: Builds up those basic pieces into P, C, F
MyPlate encourages individuals to choose lean or low-fat options from which food group?
Blue Zone diets promote this practice, which involves eating meals with family and friends and savoring the experience of sharing food together.
Communal / Social Dining