The age range for adolescents?
Six basic nutrients adolescences require
Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water
Why are carbohydrates important?
They provide energy
This environmental factor involves hurtful comments about someone's appearance, which leads to a negative self-image and poor food choices
Body shaming
The individual factor is especially common in women, which can lead to unhealthy behaviors like restrictive dieting or overeating
Body image dissatisfaction and distortion
3 macronutrients that are crucial for adolescents
carbohydrates, proteins and fats
This nutrient promotes growth and repair
This macronutrient stores energy, supports cell growth, and protects organs
When some individuals or communities may not have proper access to nutritious, and affordable food in their local environment
Accessibility to healthy food
This condition can affect how a person sees themselves, leading to extreme dieting behaviors or emotional eating
Low self esteem
What was the name of the recipe featured in the slideshow?
Bean salad
This vitamin facilitates calcium absorption
Vitamin D
This macronutrient is the most important for adolescents
The lack of engagement in school activities can lead to a weak sense of self, which can influence eating behaviors and food choices
Poor involvement in shool
Someone with this may feel like they have no control over their decisions, leading to unhealthy food choices or a lack of healthy eating habits.
Lack of control
What is the most important micronutrient for adolescents?
Hint:* its an element*
What 3 micronutrient requirements are becoming similar to adults?
Folate, Vitamin A, and Magnesium
What's the DRI for carbohydrates
130 grams per day
When peers encourage dieting or weight loss, it can influence someone to take on unhealthy food habits or restrictive diets
Peer endorsement of dieting
A dietary choice which is often adopted for health, ethical, or environmental concerns
Who requires more iron females, males or they both require the same amount?
What is the Daily Recommended intake for Iron
(can be given in ranges)
11 mg
What's the DRI for protein?
34-52 grams per day
The involvement in certain sports in which weight is a significant factor. This can pressure them to adopt unhealthy eating habits.
Involvement in weight related sports
This condition, common in people who are overweight, can affect mental and physical health
Diabetes and obesity