Pregnancy and Infancy
Childhood and Adolescence
Later adulthood
Nutrition Care

Appropriate weight gain in pregnancy for underweight, healthy, and obese patients

Underweight women: 28-40 lbs

Healthy weight women: 25-35

Obese (BMI > 30):11-20


Reasons why we don't give cows milk before 1 year of age

Can cause intestinal bleeding which can lead to iron deficiency, poor source of iron (can cause loss of iron and fails to replace iron).


Nutrients to combat macular degeneration

vitamins C and E, possibly folate, B12, B6, carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin.


S/S of dehydration

Darker, less frequent urine
Dry mouth
Weakness in muscles


only acceptable alternative to breastmilk

iron-fortified milk


Benefits of breastfeeding

provides appropriate composition and balance of nutrient with high bioavailability
provides hormones that promote physiological development
improves cognitive development
protects against a variety of infections and illnesses
may protect against some chronic diseases later in life (diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis, asthma, and HTN)
protects against food allergies
supports healthy weight
reduces the risk of SIDS

Benefits for mother- contracts the uterus, delays the return of regular ovulation which lengthens birth intervals, conserves iron stores, may protect against breast and ovarian cancer and reduce the risk of diabetes


Ways to promote bone density

eat lots of calcium and vitamin D between the ages of 13 and 17
weight bearing exercise/strength training
avoid smoking/excess alcohol consumption
healthy body weight--avoid excessive thinness


Diet for rheumatoid arthritis

Mediterranean, omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent joint tenderness and improve mobility.


S/S of edema

Swelling or puffiness of tissue
Stretched or shiny skin
Skin that pits after being pressed for several seconds
Increased abdominal size


At 6 months of age give:

solid foods, vit D, Iron, Flouride,  


What happens at 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy

8 weeks- fully formed CNS and digestive system heartbeat, fingers and toes formed.

14 weeks- 3.5 inches. Heart and brain well developed.


Recommendations to combat childhood obesity

exercise 60 min/day
reduce screen time <2 hrs/day
have regularly scheduled meals and snacks
taking time to pause while eating for conversation
model healthy eating
show enjoyment of healthy foods


Why do elderly struggle with B12 intake

lose ability to produce enough stomach acid to separate B12 from the protein its bound to (stomach pH too high).


Risks for malnutrition

Diarrhea, impaired Swallowing, Cant feed themselves


What is included in a Mediterranean diet

Diet for heart health. High in veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds and olive oil. Includes fish, olive oil, fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes.


Foods to avoid in the first year of life

juice, sweets, added sugar, canned/packaged foods high in sodium, avoid cow’s milk until 1 yr, honey and corn syrup (botulism), foods that may cause choking, peanut butter/peanuts (allergic reaction)…


When does puberty start in boys and girls

10-11 y.o. for girls, 12-13 for boys.



Age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength, and muscle function.


Best questions to screen for malnutrition

Weight loss, change in appetite

Important nutritions during pregnancy

Folate- prevent spina bifida 

Iron- start out low, need more for extra blood and tissue, overload=causes trouble, RDA 27 

If obese pre-pregnancy, what is their baby at risk for?

higher risk for gestational age babies (>9 lbs), difficult labor and delivery, birth trauma, C-section, increased risk of neural tube defect and other defects.


Examples of iron-dense foods

1/4 cup cream of wheat
1/2 cup cooked snow peas
canned plums (3 plums)
1 tbs raisins
1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwich
1/2 sloppy joe sandwich
meats, esp. red meats
legumes--beans/lentils with a vit C source


How to manage osteoarthritis

decrease weight to prevent, eat fish


T/F: Albumin and transferrin are useful in measuring malnutrition



Foods to avoid on MAO inhibitors

Tyramine- Should avoid fermented vegetables, fish or shrimp sauce, yeast extracts, soy sauce, beer, aged cheeses, aged/cured meats… Should consume fresh foods to avoid.