Protein provide this many calories per gram
What is 4 calories per gram?
Carbohydrates provide this many calories per gram
What is 4 calories?
Lipids provide this many calories per gram
What is 9 calories?
these are composed of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. These are non-energy yielding nutrients that have important regulatory functions in metabolic pathways.
What are micronutrients?
In the movie supersize Morgan ate at Mcdonalds for this many days
What is 30/ a month?
These are amino acids that our bodies cannot produce and we must consume in our diets
What are essential amino acids?
This is a measure of the total amount of glucose in your blood
What is blood glucose level?
This is the range of how much fat a person should eat per day
What is 20-35% of total calories per day?
These vitamins are likely to cause toxicity/poison your body if you consume too much of them
What are fat soluble vitamins?
the primary functions of this macronutrient is in the creation and repair of cells, tissues, and structures, such as collagen, elastin, and muscle.
What is protein?
These are the three branched chain amino acids
What are leucine, isoleucine, and valine?
A number (0–100) that is assigned to a food source that represents the rise in blood sugar after consuming the food. 100 represents a significant increase in blood sugar levels and 0 being none at all.
What is glycemic index?
This type of fat was banned in America because it causes a significant increase in the risk of contracting heart disease
What are trans fats?
These class of vitamins play a big role in energy metabolism
What are B vitamins?
A process of obtaining nutrients through food and/or food products to support energy requirements and cellular processes, including growth, repair and maintenance of tissues, reproduction, digestive processes, and respiration.
What is nutrition?
these foods contain all 9 essential amino acids
What are complete proteins?
a polysaccharide, our bodies cannot easily process this but it plays an important role in gut health. You need to consume around 30 grams of this per day.
What is fiber?
This is the form of fat that is found in our food and is the storage form of fat in the body
What are triglycerides?
This fat soluble vitamin plays a big role in calcium absoprtion
What is Vitamin D?
These foods are created in a chemical process called hydrogenation
What are trans fats?
This non-meat and non animal product food is a complete protein
What is soy or hemp?
If you weigh 50 kilograms and perform only light exercise every day, this is how many grams of carbohydrates should you consume each day.
What is 150-250 grams of carbohydrates per day?
This is the difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat
What is a double bond?
This mineral is found in tap water and helps prevent cavities
What is fluoride?
the average person should drink this many cups of water a day
What is 12-15 cups?