Food Pyramid
Food Label
Nutrition Diseases
Why is recommended daily servings presented to the public in the form of a cartoon pyramid?
What is it is child friendly. It is easy to read and understand. Also, it can be fun and interactive.
What is the deffinition of a nutrient?
What is a substance in food that provides energy or helps form body tissue, necessary for life and growth.
What is serving size?
What is how much of an item is recommended that you consume?
What does nutrient deficiency mean?
What is the state of not having enough of a nutrient to maintain good health?
What is a vegetarian?
What is a diet in which few or no animal products are eaten?
Which food group do you want to have the most servings from?
What is the grain group?
What are the six essential nutrients?
What is Carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals, vitamins, and water
If a food label says that the serving size is 2 crackers the calories is 100 and you eat 6 crackers how many calories are you consuming?
What is 300 calories?
What can hypertension cause?
What is heart attack and/or a stroke?
What is a portion of protein(steak) look like? What object is it compared to?
What is a deck of cards?
List all six food groups
What is grain, vegetable, fruit, dairy, meat, and fats/oils?
What are the two types of Carbohydrates?
What is simple and complex?
What does RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances) mean?
What is the recommended nutrient intakes that will meet the needs of almost all healthy people. General Guidelines?
How can an adult prevent osteoperosis?
What is an adult can not prevent it, it is to late. You can only prevent it when you are a child and/or teenager?
What are fad diets? Give at least one example.
What is a diet that requires major changes in your eating habits and promises quick results. Example: Atkins Diet
What does the man on the side of the pyramid represent?
What is the man is walking up steps, showing that a person should include exercise in their lives?
What are the two types of cholesterol?
What is HDL and LDL?
What does the percent daily value tell you on a food label?
What is recommended daily amounts of a nutrient that are used on food labels to help people see how a food fits into their diet?
What is osteoperosis?
What is a disease that you get that makes your bones brittle.
What is BMI (Body Mass Index)?
What is an index of weight in relation to height that is used to assess healthy body weight?
Why is it important to have foods from every section of the food pyramid?
What is a person needs a variety of foods in their diet in order to gain all the essential nutrients that their body needs to function.
What is a complete protein?
What is a protein that contains all 22 of the essential amino acids?
If a food label on ice cream says that: Serving size: 1 cup Servings per container: 5 Calories: 300 Total Fat: .5 What would the calories and total fat be if you ate the whole container of ice cream?
What is: Calories: 1500 Total Fat: 2.5
If the Dr. discovers that you have high blood pressure (hypertension) what will they tell you to change in your diet?
What is sodium in take? Cut back on salty foods and things high in cholesterol.
What is an example of a complete protein?
What is meat products?