Food Labels/Body Fat
Whatever I want
Main function of carbohydrates
What is our bodies' main source of energy?
This is the function of protein in the body
What is the growth, development, and repair of body tissue (especially muscle).
This is how many glasses of water you should drink each day.
At least 6-8 glasses
The percent daily value is based on a diet of this many calories.
What is 2,000?
I am a food. You throw away my outside and cook my inside. Then you eat my outside and throw away my inside.
What is corn-on-the-cob?
Functions of fat in the body (need at least 2 to get the points)
What are: providing insulation, producing hormones, making cell membranes, protects important muscles and bones, a secondary source of energy
Name 3 ways we can get vitamins in our bodies.
Vitamin supplements Vegetables Fruits Drinks (i.e. Vitamin Water)
This is the function of minerals in the body
Helping muscles and nerves work together
This makes up the lean tissue in your body.
What are bones and muscle?
Lucy had it first Ethel had it last Mary Lungel had it twice until she married Peter Stupid and never had it again.
What is the letter "L"?
Fats should make up this percent of our diet
What is 30%?
Provide 5 examples of foods high in protein.
Beef Chicken Fish Eggs Milk
This is how water helps regulate body temperature.
Allows the body to sweat when it gets too hot.
These are the healthy body fat percentages for males and females.
M: 12%-20% F: 15%-22%
A man rode his horse to town on Friday. He stayed three days, and then left on Friday. How?
The horse's name is Friday.
1) Breads, rice, and pasta, and candy are examples of this 2) Avocados, nuts, butter, and oil are examples of this (Need both answers)
What are 1) carbs, 2) fats
The function of vitamins
To help release energy in food and to help with growth
Name 4 minerals Double Jeopardy: Give the function of each mineral
Calcium - builds strong teeth and bones Flouride - strengthens teeth against cavities Iron - carries oxygen in blood Sodium - controls amount of fluid in the body
When estimating the total number of carbs in food, you do this with the amounts of carbs, fats, and protein.
Multiply grams of carbs by 4. Multiply grams of protein by 4. Multiply grams of fat by 9. Add them up to get total calories estimate.
It doesn't exist, but has a name.
Explain the difference between simple and complex carbs. Double Jeopardy: give 5 examples of each
Simple carbs are more easily broken down, so they provide a quick burst of energy, but also a crash. Complex carbs have a more complex structure and are more difficult to break down, so they provide lasting energy with no crash.
Name 4 different Vitamins. Double Jeopardy: Give the function of each vitamin.
Vitamin A - helps with eye sight (especially at night) Vitamin B - converts energy in food to energy your body can use Vitamin C - strengthens immune system Vitamin D - strong teeth and bones, helps body use calcium
SUPER BONUS QUESTION: 2000 points It's what you see, not what you read.... HIJKLMNO
H to O ... H2O... Water!
Name 2 methods used to calculate body composition. Double Jeopardy if you can name 3 methods. Triple Jeopardy if you can name 4 methods. Quadruple Jeopardy if you can name 5 methods.
Skin fold calipers, DEXA scan (X-Rays), Bod Pod, Hydrostatic weighing, Bio-Impedance
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