The Food Pyramid
USDA Healthy Eating Tips
Body Image
Extra Nutrition Facts!
This category contains foods like broccoli and carrots
What are vegetables
A good source of energy, but you shouldn't eat more than 30% of calories from this
What is fat
Focus on fruits and _______, such as apples and carrots, for example
What are vegetables
The way you see yourself, whether it be positive or negative
What is body image
The size of the sections on the food pyramid mean that how much of that food group you should ____ each day
What is eat
This food group has foods like apples and oranges in it. They contain lots of vitamins and minerals.
What are fruits
A white substance that can get into your blood vessels and clog them, causing heart disease. This substance comes from fatty meats mostly.
What is cholesterol
Make ______ your grains whole grains, like oatmeal or wheat bread.
What is half
A method for assessing your body size by considering your height and weight. This helps to see if you are at a healthy weight or not.
What is body mass index (BMI)
There is a guy walking up the side of the food pyramid to show that exercise is important to overall _______
What is health and wellness
This food group is full of foods that contain carbohydrates. You should make half of your food from this group whole.
What are grains
These are found on fruits a lot of the time and provide no energy to the body
What are vitamins
Get your ______ rich foods, like cheese and milk. This is also an important mineral.
What is calcium
An eating disorder where someone is afraid of weight gain and starves them self. Causes heart problems and hair loss.
What is anorexia nervosa
Developing positive body image, having good overall health and wellness and avoiding serious health problems are all benefits of being a healthy ______
What is weight
This group is high in protein rich foods, such as beef, fish and beans.
What are meats and beans
This nutrient builds and repairs cells and muscles and is found on foods like meat and beans
What is protein
Choose healthful ______, like almonds, salmon and avocados
What are fats
An eating disorder where someone eats large amounts of food in short times, then purge, or throws up afterward. This causes heart and stomach problems.
What is bulimia nervosa
The process of taking in food and nutrients for growth and energy is called _______. It is also the name of your current unit.
What is nutrition
This group is full of calcium rich foods, like yogurt and cheese
What is the milk or dairy group
A unit of heat used to measure the amount of energy in food. 3,500 of these equals 1 pound of body weight.
What is a calorie
Limit _____ and sugar. Check nutrition labels for these to make sure they aren't added to foods.
What is salt
An eating disorder where someone eats a large amount of food in a short time, but then does NOT purge afterward. This can cause heart problem in the future.
What is Binge Eating Disorder
A 3 ounce serving of _____ is equal in size to a deck of playing cards
What is meat