The Food Pyramid
food facts
Vocabulary Part II
These are your body's main source of energy. You need a lot of them because your body uses them quickly.
What are carbohydrates (carbs)?
Saturated and unsaturated are type of these.
What are Fats?
4 grams of sugar in this amount.
What is a teaspoon?
This is where food is broken down into smaller pieces and digestion of food begins.
What is the mouth?
This is a fat that is liquid at room temperature.
What is unsaturated
These give your body more energy (calories) than any other kind of nutrient. Your body stores this when you do not use the food energy you take in. Sweets and fast foods have a lot of these, so choose these foods carefully!
What are fats?
With this group, the darker the greenness, the better it is for you.
What is the Vegetable group?
9 calories per gram.
What are fats
The tube in which food passes from the mouth to the stomach.
What is the esophagus?
This is a type of fat that is not natural (man made) that raised the bad fats and lowers the good fats. Avoid these!!
What is transfats or hydrogentated
These give you energy, and also help repair and build your cells. Eggs, meat and fish are good sources.
What are proteins?
This group is low in fat, and is a great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Not only can you eat this group, but you can drink it as well.
What is the Fruit group?
The measured amount of a type of food you would eat in a meal or a snack.
What is a serving?
This is where digestive juices first mix with, and churn, your food. Proteins are broken down here.
What is the stomach?
A guide that is triangle shaped to help you decide on what foods you can choose for a healthy diet.
What is the food pyramid?
This nutrient makes up more than half of your body and is needed for life. It helps break down foods and carries away waste.
What is water?
you get a lot of calcium from this group.But the "low fat" or "fat free" types of this group are a more healthy choice.
What is the Milk group?
Like water, this helps your body digest wastes. It sweeps your body like a broom. Helps you to have a bowel movement at least once a day!!!!!
What is fiber?
In this intestine, water is removed from undigested food.
What is the large intestine?
these are small units that make up proteins.
What are amino acids?
These two nutrients help your body grow, work, and do certain things, but too many can be harmful for your body because some can be stored in fat.
What are vitamins and minerals?
Tortillas, pasta, and bread are in this group. Try out the whole grain versions for a healthier choice. They are usually low in fat, and contain carbohydrates.
What is the Grains group?
This vitamin helps in the absorbtion of calcium
What is Vitamin D
This is the nutrient that is first digested and used as energy.
What are carbohydrates
These the the type of amino acids that the body can not make that you must get from food
essential amino acids