To mix ingredients by gently tuning one part over another.
Fold In
What is Nutrition
The study of how your body uses the food that you eat.
Usually found in undercooked ground beef.
How many seconds does it take to wash your hands
What are the nutrients that need Calories
Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats
•Wire mesh that separates liquid from food; usually has small fine holes.
what is the definition of Calorie
o A unit of measure for energy in food
Safest way to thaw or defrost food.
The Fridge.
The treatment to severely bleeding cuts
apply direct pressure
How many U.S. Dietary Guidelines are there?
•Wire mesh that separates liquid from food; usually has small fine holes.
•Used for blending, mixing, stirring, beating and whipping
Strainer & Wisk
How many calories per gram are in a Protein and Carbohydrate (same #)
•General rule for preventing bacteria growth.
keep foods hot foods hot & cold foods cold
Rule for tasting food
•use clean spoon and use only once, no double dipping
Aim for Fitness means?
Aiming for a healthy weight
•Large triangular blade, wide at handle and narrow at the tip; used for slicing, cutting, and slicing
Chef/French Knife
What are the 6 variables that affect Nutrients
2. Gender
3. Activity Level
4. Climate
5. Health
6. State of nutrition
Associated with improperly canned foods
Used to put out a grease fire
Used to put out a grease fire. (fire extinguisher, baking soda, salt, put lid over pan
Give 2 examples of building a healthy
3. Let the pyramid guide your choices
4. Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains
5. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.
6. Keep food safe to eat.
•To brown or cook foods with a small amount of fat using low to medium heat
•To work sugar and fat together until the mixture is soft and fluffy.
Saute & Cream
What Is a Nutrient
A nutrient is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body. Some provide energy. All help build cells and tissues, regulate bodily processes such as breathing. No single food supplies all the nutrients the body needs to function.
What is the danger zone for food
Treatment for electrical shock.
•disconnect power source before approaching injured person
What are the Six classifications of Nutrients. What are Carbohydrates made of?
Vitamins, Minerals, Water, Protein, Carbs (sugars, starches, Celluose), Fats