The Head of the Church
Who is Jesus Christ
Members united in covenant relationships with one another
What is the Fellowship of the Congregation?
Those engaged in ministries of compassion and service
Who are Deacons?
A system of rules for church governance
What is Polity?
Group which elects ruling elders, deacons, trustees, and installed pastors
What is the Congregation?
Group which guides and governs the local congregation
What is the Session?
Direct government by all church members
What is Congregational Polity
Groups which act on property matters of a church
What are the Session, Congregation, and Presbytery?
The members of a Session
Who are church members elected, ordained, and installed ruling elders and installed pastors / associate pastors?
Governance by bishops and clergy
What is Episcopal Polity?
Individuals engaged in the "ordered ministries" of the church.
Who are deacons and presbyters (ruling elders, and teaching elders -also called Ministers of Word and Sacrament)?
Ruling and Teaching Elders
Who are Presbyters?
Governance by elders
What is Presbyterian Polity?
Primary role of a Presbytery
What is assisting congregations to be communities of faith, hope, love, and witness.
The officers of the Session
Who are the Moderator and the Clerk of Session?