Category A
Category B
What does NVRPA stand for?
What is Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
True or False.. NVRPA covers 15,000 acres of woodlands
What is FALSE
What type of agency is the NVRPA?
What is a Regional Agency
Name 5 different outdoor recreation activities offered by the NVRPA
What is boating Kayaking Fishing Disc Golf Batting Cages Equestrian Trails Mini Golf Courses Golf Water Parks Camping Hiking Biking
Name the three counties the NVRPA serves.
What is Loudoun, Fairfax, and Alrington Counties
True or False.. The two historic museums are the Aldie Mill and Carlyle
What is TRUE
What is the natural interpretation program offered by the NVPRA called?
What is the Roving Naturalists Program
What is the name of the special events center that holds numerous different additional services.
What is Bull Run Special Events Center
Name all 5 waterpark themes
What are Volcano Island,Atlantis,Great Waves,Pirate’s Cove Ocean Dunes
Name one part of the mission of the NVRPA.
What is Enhance communities of Northern Virginia... Enriches the lives of their citizens through the conservation of regional natural and cultural resources... Provides diverse regional recreational and educational opportunities... Fosters an understanding of the relationships between people and their environment...