Digits Don’t Lie: Test Data Insights
Nuts & Bolts

A test that adjust to the ability level of students.

What is adaptive?


This term refers to the specific RIT score increase a student is expected to achieve between testing periods, based on national averages and individual performance.

What is a growth goal?


Students can access NWEA either by going to the lockdown screen or typing in the url.


Lansing uses NWEA test to measure student performance in these two core subjects.

What is Math & Reading?


The score of a student who scores below the 20th percentile is coded red.

What is "at risk."


Student's seeking to access the testing cite must ensure that their browser is prepared to do so.

"What is turning of the pop-up blocker."


This scale, used in the NWEA MAP assessment, provides a precise measurement of a student’s academic progress over time.

What is the RIT score?


A student scoring between the 21st and 40th percentile on the NWEA MAP test is typically considered to be at this performance level.

What is partially proficient?


Taking this type of test can help students familiarize themselves with the format and question types on the NWEA MAP assessment.

What is the NWEA practice test?


The NWEA MAP Growth test is typically administered this many times per school year to track academic progress.

What is three times (fall, winter, and spring)?


A student scoring between the 41st and 60th percentile on the NWEA MAP test is typically considered to be at this performance level.

What is proficient?


Before the NWEA MAP test, teachers should ensure students know how to properly use these to interact with audio questions, especially in the reading and language sections.

What are headphones?


The primary purpose of the NWEA MAP Growth test is to provide educators with this type of data to tailor instruction to individual students.

What is actionable data on student learning levels?


A student scoring in the 61st percentile or higher on the NWEA MAP reading test is more likely to perform at or above proficiency levels on state standardized tests, which is a strong indicator of this long-term outcome.

What is high school graduation?


Teachers should instruct students to clear their desks of unnecessary items, leaving only this for notes and problem-solving during the NWEA MAP test.

What is scrap paper?