Types of abuse
Do or Don't?
True or False?

The term for intended, non-accidental physical injury or cruelty to a child.

Physical abuse


Do or Don't?
Keep a disclosure confidential.

DO keep disclosures confidential.

This keeps students safe, gives them trust in the adults at school and respects their privacy.

Report a child protection concern only to safeguarding team. Do not talk about the situation with other staff members or students.


True of False? Only teachers and the safeguarding team must report child protection concerns.

FALSE: All staff are mandatory reporters and should report any concerns on CPOMS.


Where do we record our safeguarding concerns?


For emergency disclosures, these are reported immediately to the safeguarding team.


The following signs may indicate this kind of abuse:

Not receiving medical attention, poor hygiene, stealing food or school supplies, frequent absences, limited parent communication



Do or Don't?

After a disclosure, you should stay calm and listen without judgment. 

DO stay calm and listen without judgment.


True or False?

You should hug a student who is crying.


Maintain appropriate physical boundaries at all times, and touch students - when necessary - only in ways that are appropriate, and in public and in a non-sexual way.

Some reasons for this: 

-Not everyone likes hugs

-Culture or religion

-School is a professional environment

-It protects you from false accusations of abuse and from students misunderstanding your intentions.


What is a legal document that must be completed at the very beginning of every lesson to ensure the safety of our students.



The following signs may indicate this kind of abuse: Sexual behaviour/knowledge inappropriate for a child’s age, trouble walking or sitting, incontinence or complaints of genital pain.

Sexual abuse


Do or Don't?

Promise to keep a child protection disclosure a secret.


Never keep secrets if you have a child protection concern. All school staff members are obligated to report any child protection concerns.

Secrets and confidentiality are not the same. You can report a child protection concern to the safeguarding team, and it can remain confidential.


True or False?

Child protection concerns need to be reported within 48 hours. 


Within 24 hours, you must report a child protection concern.


During this role we are punctual and we walk around our designated area ensuring that students are following TNWW and are safe.



The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.



Do or Don't?

Gather details and ask leading questions when you have a child protection concern.


Gathering details and asking too many questions can cause problems. 

For example: 

-A younger child could have trouble recalling events accurately during the investigation. 

-Asking questions about a disturbing situation could exacerbate it or make it more difficult for the child to deal with.


True or False?

It is okay to engage in private communications with students (via text messaging, email, or any forms of electronic or social media) except for activities strictly involving school business and sanctioned by ISG.



What does the colour of each lanyard represent.

Red - This person should be accompanied at all times when on school site.

Green - This person has been DBS checked and is safe to be unaccompanied when on the school site.

Rainbow - Employed by NWHS or Enrich Learning Trust


The following signs may indicate this kind of abuse: Social withdrawal, loss of interest/enthusiasm, uncontrollable crying, fear of adults, recurrent somatic symptoms (i.e. headaches, etc.), chronic anxiety.

Emotional/psychological abuse


Do or Don't?

Before reporting, be sure to begin the investigation.

DON'T investigate.

Be sure to log the disclosure on CPOMS as soon as possible. However, if this is an extreme case, report to a member of the safeguarding team immediately. This is because they will then follow the protocol and have received education, training, and experience with child protection reports.

Asking too many questions of the child, peers, or family members could backfire.
For example, if the person who did the abuse finds out about the investigation too soon, they could manipulate the child into silence. 


True or False? Sexual abuse can occur without physically touching the victim.


Examples: Exposure to sexually explicit material, communicating sexually explicit messages


The NWHS Safeguarding Team

Jonny Phipps DSL

James Gosden ADSL

Ann Gallagher ADSL

Becky Gardiner DSL Y10/11

Julie Watson DSL Y10/11

Laura Bunting DSL Y8/9

Gina Allen DSL Y7