Olympic Moments
Unusual Olympic Sports
Host Cities
Olympic Records
Olympic Sports Scandals

This athlete's victory in the 400m hurdles at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics is one of the most memorable moments in Olympic history.

Who is Michael Johnson?


This sport, first introduced in the 1900 Paris Olympics, involves maneuvering a ball through wickets on a lawn.

What is croquet?


The 2008 Summer Olympics took place in this Asian city.

What is Beijing?


This athlete holds the record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympic Games.

Who is Michael Phelps?


This American figure skater was involved in an attack on her competitor, Nancy Kerrigan, before the 1994 Winter Olympics.

Who is Tonya Harding?


In the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, this basketball team, known as the "Dream Team," dominated their competition.

Who is the USA Men's Basketball Team?


This Olympic sport involves performing acrobatic moves on a trampoline

What is trampoline gymnastics?


This North American city hosted the Winter Olympics in 2010.

What is Vancouver?


This country has won the most total medals in the history of the Summer Olympics.

What is the United States?


This American sprinter was banned for life after testing positive for steroids at the 1988 Olympics. 

Who is Carl Lewis?


This swimmer set a new Olympic record in the 100m butterfly at the 2008 Beijing Olympics by winning by just 0.01 seconds.

Who is Michael Phelps?


This sport was reintroduced in the 2016 Rio Olympics after a 112-year absence.

What is golf?


The 1960 Summer Olympics were held in this Italian city.

What is Rome?


This country has won the most total medals in the history of the Winter Olympics.

What is Norway?


Due to doping violations, this country was stripped of their synchronized swimming gold medal in 2000.

What is Russia?


This gymnast performed the first perfect 10 in Olympic history at the 1976 Montreal Olympics.

Who is Nadia Comăneci?


This water-based team sport involves two teams trying to score by throwing a ball into the opponent's goal.

What is water polo?


This Australian city hosted the Summer Olympics in 2000.

What is Sydney?


This athlete set the world record for the 100m sprint at 9.58 seconds.

Who is Usain Bolt?


In the 2004 Athens Olympics, this athlete staged a fake accident to avoid a drug test, leading to a scandal despite not involving doping.

Who is Kostas Kenteris?


This athlete won the decathlon at the 1976 Montreal Olympics and became known as the "world's greatest athlete."

Who is Bruce Jenner?


This Olympic sport involves horses performing predetermined movements, often called "horse dancing."

What is dressage?


This city hosted the controversial 1968 Olympics, known for political protests.

What is Mexico City?


This female gymnast holds the record for the most medals won by a female gymnast in Olympic history, with 18.

Who is Larisa Latynina?


This country's entire weightlifting team was banned from the 2016 Rio Olympics due to doping.

What is Bulgaria?