What does NYLIAC stand for?
New York Life Insurance and Annuity Company
Does the Disability Waiver of Premium Rider cost additional money to the client?
What is Ryan's wife's name?
What year was NYL founded?
What Rider provides Long Term Care benefits?
Chronic Care
When does the WIN meeting land?
Second Monday of the month. 9-12pm.
What is Ryan's favorite sport?
Where was Executive Council this past year?
Which Rider allows client to advance the death benefit with terminal illness up to $1 million?
Living Benefits Rider
What is the average FYC per application in our GO?
Is Ryan a White Claw or Truly guy?
What is the name of NYL boutique investment firm subsidary?
Eagle Strategies
Which Rider would you suggest to a parent paying for a juvenile policy?
Payor Protection
How many Council Credits do you need for Executive Council Step In? (Higher this year)
What records do Ryan still hold from when he was an Agent?
Most paid cases in a month.
BONUS: What are Ryan's "NOs" for Hannah?
No singing in PRP. No skipping in the GO.