Reading Skills
Language Skills
Author's Purpose
Literary Elements

The description of the thirteenth fairy in paragraph 2 reveals that she - 

A  hates the princess 

B   is unhappy 

C  will bring evil  

D  is like the others 


C  will bring evil  


What is the main idea of paragraphs 1 and 2?

A. The king and queen wished for a daughter and finally got one from a magic fish.

B. When the king and queen finally were blessed with a daughter, she was given an evil wish by a fairy. 

C. The king and queen had a celebration to celebrate their daughter. 

D. The thirteenth fairy was upset she did not get invited to the feast and cursed the princess. 

B. When the king and queen finally were blessed with a daughter, she was given an evil wish by a fairy. 


The word grieved in paragraph 1 means  to - 

A  make upset 

B   cause great distress

C  be depressed 

D  suffer a tragedy 

B   cause great distress


What does the descriptive language in paragraph 5 help the reader understand? 

A  How suddenly everyone fell asleep.

B  What the sleeping town looked like.

C  When the princess fell asleep. 

D  Why the king and queen were away. 

A  How suddenly everyone fell asleep.


Which of the following best describes the main conflict in the story?

A  The thirteenth fairy was left out. 

B   The king and queen could not have a child.

C The whole kingdom fell asleep. 

D  The princess was given an evil wish.

D  The princess was given an evil wish.


The prince can best be described as - 

A   foolish 

B    brave  

C   greedy 

D    heroic 

B brave


Which event in the story caused the prince to look for Briar Rose? 

A  The need for glory. 

B   His knowledge of her situation. 

C  His love for Briar Rose. 

D  The old man’s story.

D  The old man’s story.


Read the following dictionary entry: 

Ease /ez/verb: 1. to make less serious, 2. relax one's efforts, 3. move carefully, 4. lack of difficulty

Which definition best matches the way the word ease is used in paragraph 8?

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

C. Definition 3

D. Definition 4

D. Definition 4


Read the line from paragraph 9: 

"Then he went on still farther, and all was sol still that he could hear every breath he drew.."

The author included this figurative language to show that: 

A  it was unusually quiet

B  the prince was worried 

C  everyone was still sleeping 

D  time stood still 

A  it was unusually quiet


Which words best describe the princess? 

A  pretty and kind

B   attractive and loved

C  rich and enchanted 

D  good and obedient 

B   attractive and loved


The king and queen being gone on her fifteenth birthday reveal that they - 

A  believed the princess was safe

B   felt the wish was over 

C  were selfish and wanted to travel 

D  did not truly love their daughter 

A  believed the princess was safe


The story’s third-person point of view gives the reader insight into - 

A   how all the characters’ feel

B   the feelings of Briar Rose 

C  the fairies’ thoughts about the feast

D  doubt in the mind of the king and queen

A   how all the characters’ feel


The Scandinavian word rave, meaning “to stray,” helps the reader understand that the word roved in paragraph 4 means to - 

A  search 

B   leave 

C  wander

D  see 

C  wander


Paragraph 9 is important to the story because it establishes that - 

A   the king and queen were happy

B    the prince will end the spell 

C   the princess was still asleep 

D   nothing changed in the 100 years

D   nothing changed in the 100 years


What is the primary theme of the story? 

A   Do not give up hope.

B   Trusting others can backfire. 

C   Except what you are given. 

D   Fight to protect your family. 

A   Do not give up hope.


The reader can infer that the - 

A   king and queen should not have invited the fairies

B    princes before were not patient enough

C   fairies also enchanted other kingdoms

D   story of Briar Rose spread across the land


D   story of Briar Rose spread across the land


What is the best summary of paragraphs 8 and 9? 

A. A hundred hears had passed, and now the kingdom was covered by beautiful flowers. This helped the prince enter and find the princess. Once they kissed, everyone else woke up from their sleep. 

B. When the prince found the kingdom, it was surrounded by roses. He easily walked through them and found Briar Rose. They lived happily ever after. 

C. The hundred years ended, so the thorns around the kingdom turned to roses. Inside, the prince found everyone asleep. He kissed the princess, breaking the spell. Everyone woke up, and they got married

C. The hundred years ended, so the thorns around the kingdom turned to roses. Inside, the prince found everyone asleep. He kissed the princess, breaking the spell. Everyone woke up, and they got married


What phrase from paragraph 2 best serves as a context clue for the word wounded - 

A   take her revenge

B   The king’s daughter shall

C  by a spindle 

D  fall down dead

D  fall down dead


The author wrote this story most likely to - 

A  show the reader that patience is important

B   explain how the princess was saved 

C  entertain the reader with a mythical story

D  describe a magical kingdom 

C  entertain the reader with a mythical story


How does the story’s setting influence the plot?  

A  The great feast creates conflict. 

B  The beautiful kingdom makes the princess feel safe. 

C  The isolation of the thorns makes the situation seem hopeless.

D  The location of the kingdom makes the prince want to visit. 

C  The isolation of the thorns makes the situation seem hopeless.