Using Context Clues
Evidence that supports the Author's Idea/ Theory / Claim
Developing/ Advancing the Author's Idea/ Theory
Main / Central Idea
Inferences / Conclusions

What context clues help you understand what DENSEST means?

"millions of people squeezed into..."

What evidence supports the authors claim that encouraging people to ride bicycles would be a good idea?
When the author writes that roads would be less bound up with traffic, and that people would feel better.

I know this because the text states "If more people rode bicylces, the roads would be less clogged with cars. Also when you ride a bicycle, you are exercising, which makes you healthy"

How does the author develop the idea that sweat makes you colder?
By providing information about how your body releases heat to cool down your body.

I know this because the text states, "when it is on the surface of your skin, it draws the heat from your skin into the water."
"Then the sweat rises into the air and takes some of your body heat with it cooling the body down."

What is the main idea of the 6th paragraph?

a. "When you ride a bicycle, you often sweat."
b. "If your body gets too hot, you can get sick."
c. "The bike racks...were introduced during a very hot week."
d. "...people were initially reluctant to use the bike racks..."
d. "...people were initially reluctant to use the bike racks..."
What can you infer from the title of this passage?

a. The passage will only be about riding bikes in the summer.
b. The passage will be about energy drinks.
c. The passage will be about how heat and energy effect bike riding in NYC.
d. The passage will be about a bike race in NYC.
c. The passage will be about how heat and energy effect bike riding in NYC

Read these sentences from the last paragraph:

"The description makes clear that vikings were not simple marauders. They built a wealthy empire through trade as well as plunder.."

What paragraph, other than the last paragraph, provides context clues that help you understand what MARAUDERS means.
The first paragraph, which states, "Today, the vikings are mostly known as violent pirates and raiders. And it is true that vikings did raid and destroy many towns and villages..."
"But the Vikings were also traders... and didn't simply destroy things."

context clues include: violent, raiders, raid, destroy

What evidence develops the idea that Viking ships were different than other ocean going ships?

When the author writes that Viking ships did not have a keel, like other ocean going ships.
I know this because the text states, "Traditionally, ocean-going ships have used a keel, shaped like the fin of the fish." and "Using the clinker system, Viking ships had no deep keel."

How do the second and third paragraph develop the author's idea that the Vikings were attackers and raiders AND merchants and traders?

a. The paragraphs provide details about weapons that the Vikings used.
b. The paragraphs provide details about Viking war ships and cargo ships.
c. The paragraphs explain how much cargo a Knarr is capable of carrying.
d. The paragraphs explain how different ships were made.

b. The paragraphs provide details about Viking war ships and cargo ships.

What is the central idea of the first paragraph?

a. Vikings are violent pirates and raiders.
b. Vikings raided and destroyed many towns and villages.
c. Vikings were the first Europeans to travel to the Americas.
d. Vikings were also traders and merchants and didn't simply destroy things.

d. Vikings were also traders and merchants and didn't simply destroy things.

What can you infer from the quote in the 6th paragraph?

"On one side lions molded in gold were to be seen on the ships, on the other birds on the tops of masts indicated by their movements the winds as they blew, or dragons of various kinds poured fire from their nostrils..."

a. The Vikings liked to decorate their ships with images of animals and beasts.
b. The Vikings did not like to decorate their ships.
c. Viking ships were often destroyed by lions.
d. Viking ships were created to carry animals and beasts.

a. The Vikings liked to decorate their ships with images of animals and beasts.
What context clues help you understand what CCD is?
CCD is Colony Collapse Disorder

context clue: "a mysterious loss of bee colonies"

What evidence supports the author's claim that bees are important?
When the author tells about how bees pollinate different plants.

I know this because the text states "Bees are used to pollinate many crops, for instance a large portion of California's almond crop, which relies heavily on bee pollination."


"Bees are also essential for the pollination of apple and citrus fruit crops."


What is Ms. R's favorite color?
What is the central idea of the 8th paragraph?

a. Bumblebees disappear faster than other species.
b. When a species of bee disappears, the other species pollinate a wider variety of plants.
c. When a species of bee disappears, the other species take over the pollinating duties completely.
d. Certain bee species only pollinate specific species of plants.
b. When a species of bee disappears, the other species pollinate a wider variety of plants.
What can you infer from the 12th and 13th paragraphs?

a. No one has come up with any solutions to the disappearing bee problem.
b. Organizations need a silver bullet to solve the disappearing bee problem.
c. The disappearing bee problem has already been solved.
d. The disappearing bee problem has not been solved yet, and there are many ways to help solve the problem.
d. The disappearing bee problem has not been solved yet, and there are many ways to help solve the problem.

What context clue helps you understand what TERTIARY means in the 5th paragraph?
"Tertiary consumers are predators who lie at the top of the food chain."

context clue: at the top

What evidence from the text supports the author's claim that Tertiary Consumers have a different role in the energy cycle?
When the author explains that Tertiary Consumers do not have predators, like the other members of the eco pyramid.

I know this because the text states, "Unlike the secondary consumers, tertiary consumers are not normally preyed upon by other members of the ecosystem."

how does the article's organization develop the author's knowledge of the eco pyramid?

a. The article's events are written in chronological order.
b. The author gives his opinion about the eco pyramid, and proves his argument with facts.
c. The author explains what an ecosystem is, and then gives details about each step of the eco pyramid.
d. The author uses plot elements to write about a problem and a solution.
c. The author explains what an ecosystem is, and then gives details about each step of the eco pyramid.

what evidence supports the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?

a. "The carbohydrates that were produced by the photosynthesis process give the plant energy to continue living."
b. "Deer feed on leaves and grass, consuming the green plant life's energy."
c. "...They are the first organisms to eat something else in the ecosystem's energy cycle."
d. "The herbivores of an ecosystem are called "primary consumers."
d. "The herbivores of an ecosystem are called "primary consumers."

What can you infer after reading the 2nd paragraph?

a. Plants are Primary Producers.
b. Plants are Primary Consumers.
c. The sun is a Primary Producer.
d. Deer are Primary Consumers.
a. Plants are Primary Producers.