How many weeks is UI insurance?
How many weeks is the PUA?
What can a claimant do when locked out of NYSDOL acct?
call 800-833-3000 or give self help link from cheat sheet to unlock
What does the N status mean?
not entitled
Can a claimant still claim benefits if they are working a reduced schedule?
What it the Basic Base Period?
First 4 of the last 5 calendar Quarters
Before an individual can be determined eligible for PUA it must be established that the individual is not monetarily entitled for regular UI benefits
What if someone calls in on the 1099 G line but doesn’t have any issues whatsoever involving 1099g?
Inform them the line is only for that specific purpose and they need to hang up and call back
How do we post a comment to the log, and when should we?
This is a long and multiple answer question, include the entire answer in one message
sess b, ubwr, shift 11 to view log, shift 11 again to post to the log; we should be posting to the log what we do on a claim every phone call
What is SIDI used for?
if there are any out of state employers and to see wages in other states
What is the Alternate Base Period?
Last 4 completed calendar quarters
How do you know when a claim has migrated?
blank status (no c,d,i,k)
What session can you change the MMN?
Session C
as of Today, What is the furthest we can backdate claims that are not transitional claims(new o/c)
1 week
How many effective days are in a week?
What does it mean when a claim shows P?
Partial, information is missing
What session can I see the latest certification info?
session c
What does EB stand for?
What are the two types of extensions?
What is a 1099g?
tax form provides the total amount of money you were paid in benefits from NYS DOL in 2020, as well as any adjustments or tax withholding made to your benefits
What are three ways I can check wages NYS has reported for a clt
Can we delete or release held certs for PUA claims?
No. We cannot delete nor release held certs for PUA claims
What does I status mean?
invalidated claim
Where can claimants access 1099G?
Online through NYSDOL acct, through over the phone IVR; we can manually request to be mailed using ub99 in session A
Do we tally PUA certifications on our Tally sheets?
No! there is no need to add PUA certs to our Tally sheet