Active or Passive?
Insert the word

Make the correct form of the verb in brackets:

A number of effective methods exist for (to prevent) or (to reduce) flood damage 

preventing; reducing


Which of the sentences contains the real condition?

1. If the earth were all uniform the isotherms would be similar to the parallels or latitude 

2. If the wind had favorable, the ship would have reached the port of destination early in the morning. 

3. If the ground is saturated with water, there can be no further infiltration. 



To obtain water from an unconfined aquifer, a water table well must (to drill) below the water table and into the unconfined aquifer. 

be drilled


Canada is the country with the longest ... which is 56,453 miles long.



Choose the correct translation of the first part of the sentence:

The fog having vanished for some moments, it proved possible to determine the position of the ship.

1. Если бы туман рассеялся на некоторое время ...

2. Когда туман рассеялся на некоторое время ...

3. Пока туман не рассеется на некоторое время ...



Which of the sentences tells us about the situation in the past?

1. If several rains passed, a serious flood would result. 

2. If several rains had passed, a serious flood would result. 

3. If several rains pass, a serious flood will result. 



Glaciers and ice sheets both (to affect) and (to affect) by changes in Earth's climate. 

affect; are affected


The Bay of Fundy on the Atlantic cost of North America witnesses the difference of 53 feet and 6 inches ..., highest anywhere in the world.



Total amount of fresh water (to consume) increased to 100 billion gallons per day, with irrigation in the western states (to account) for about 80% of the total amount (to consume). 

consumed; accounting; consumed


Choose the right translation of the sentence:

But for the combination of warm weather and rain there would be no severe floods on this stream:

1. Если бы не сочетание тёплой погоды с дождём, на этой реке не было бы сильных наводнений. 

2. Несмотря на сочетание теплой погоды с дождем на этой реке не будет сильных наводнений. 

3. Если бы теплая погода сочеталась с дождём, на этой реке не было бы сильных наводнений. 

4. Если бы дождь не сочетался с теплой погодой, на этой реке были бы сильные наводнения. 



This year some indications (to find) of the southward flow to about lat. 23 N, but no clear evidence for a boundary current flow (to be) available between there and the equator. 

have been found; has been/is


Every day a couple of hundred earthquakes occur ... the Earth. Fortunately, most of them in the ..., especially in the regions such as the unstable seabed near Indonesia, where continents, which are floating on magma, rub against ... other.

on; oceans; each


Name the verbals in italics

The resulting land degradation contributes to the severity of long-term drought by reducing the amount of rainfall absorbed and slowly released by vegetation and soils.

Participle 1; gerund; participle 2; participle 2


State the sentences which do NOT have the conditional:

1. If the altimeter had been accurate, it would have measured the pressure correctly. 

2. Were the wind stronger, the instruments would be destroyed. 

3. Wind velocity would increase rapidly under these conditions. 

4. It is necessary that the new equipment should be tested thoroughly 

5. Unless temperature dropped, condensation wouldn't result 



Make the correct consequence of inserted verbs:

An intensive study across long periods (...) that deep ocean temperatures (...) at levels scientists (...) significant, though not as rapidly as climate change (...) land temperatures.

1. deem

2. shows 

3. has affected

4. are rising



Do you know the name of the longest mountain range on the Earth? Let me give you some hints, the Andes mountain range is 7,000 miles long, the Himalayas are 2,500 miles and the Rockies are 3,000 miles long, but the ... which winds round the globe is more than 45,000 miles long.

Mid-Ocean Ridge


Make the correct form of participles if the translation is "так как образовался"

Ice was sighted floating at sea (to form) either upon the salt water itself or upon the land.

having been formed


Insert the verb in the correct form:

If the ground (to saturate) with water, there could be no further infiltration. 

were saturated


Make the sentenсe passive:

In 2021, new research indicated that soon the ocean might not  absorb carbon dioxide or on the contrary emit it.

In 2021, in the new research it was indicated that soon carbon dioxide might not be absorbed by the ocean or on the contrary be emitted by it.


Benjamin Franklin was the first to conduct the scientific study of the ... . In 1769-1770, together with his cousin Timothy Folger, who happened to be a whaler and the captain of a Nantucket merchant ship published its first map.

Gulf Stream