What hotel is known for the one of the most shocking murder-suicides in US history

What is The Holiday Inn Express in downtown Salt Lake City


What gets wet while drying?

What is a Towel


  • Robert worked this summer to earn money for new clothes for school. He worked four hours per day for six weeks. He saved all his money. On Saturday before school started he bought two pairs of shoes ($133.44 each), three pairs of jeans ($50.40 each) and nine new shirts ($36.54 each). After he paid for his clothes he had $297.02 left. How much money did Robert earn during the summer?

What is 1,043.96


How many presidents were veterans of the Civil War?

What is 7


 Who wrote the science law 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'?

Who is Newton


Where does the Chelsea Grin come from?

What is The Black Dahlia Murder


What has one head, one foot, and four legs?

What is a Bed


Cameron has 128 baseball cards. He wants to give the same number to each of his three friends and himself. How many will each person get?

What is 32


How many presidents have died IN the White House?

What is 2

William Henry Harrison died on April 4, 1841, and Zachary Taylor died on July 9, 1850. Both died of Illnesses


What is the name of the change of state from solid to liquid?

What is Melting


What percentage of serial killers are men?

What is 53.8%


Spelled forwards I’m what you do every day, spelled backward I’m something you hate. What am I?

What is L I V E 


Tyler built twenty birdhouses to sell at the Winter Carnival. Each birdhouse cost $6.72 for materials. If he sold the birdhouses for $10.20 each and sold all twenty of them, how much money did he make after he paid for his materials?

What is 69.60


Which President was in office during the September 11, 2001 attacks?

Who is George W Bush


What is the name for the bones which make up the spine?

What is Vertebrae


Who is the youngest serial killer and how old where they when they killed people?

Who is Mary Bell age 11


What has 13 hearts but no other organs?

What is A Deck Of Cards

Joseph is going with his mother and father to visit his grandmother on Mother's Day. It is four hundred eighty kilometers from where Joseph and his family live. If they travel at an average speed of eighty kilometers per hour, how long will it take them to drive to his grandmother's house?

What is 6 hours

Joseph and his family are traveling to his grandmother's house, which is 480 kilometers away. They are traveling at an average speed of 80 kilometers per hour. To find out how long it will take them to drive to his grandmother's house, we need to divide the distance by the speed. 480 kilometers divided by 80 kilometers per hour equals 6 hours. Therefore, it will take them 6 hours to drive to his grandmother's house.


Who was the President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Who is John F Kennedy


Thermal decomposition means breaking down using what?

What is Heat


Where is the 50 square mile area where you could get away with murder?

What is Yellowstone National Park

The Zone of Death is the 50-square-mile (130 km2) area in the Idaho section of Yellowstone National Park in which, as a result of a reported loophole in the Constitution of the United States, a person may be able to theoretically avoid conviction for any major crime, up to and including murder.


What 5-letter word typed in all capital letters can be read the same upside down?

What is S W I M S 


Alyssa is helping her mother bake cookies for the block party. They want to bake 924 cookies! If they bake seven-dozen cookies each day, how many days will it take them to bake all the cookies? (One dozen equals 12)

What is 11 days 

Alyssa and her mother want to bake 924 cookies. Since one dozen is equal to 12 cookies, they bake 7 dozen cookies each day, which is 7 x 12 = 84 cookies per day. To find out how many days it will take them to bake all the cookies, we divide the total number of cookies (924) by the number of cookies they bake each day (84). 924 ÷ 84 = 11. Therefore, it will take them 11 days to bake all the cookies.


Which President was elected four times?

Who Is Franklin D Roosevelt


What is mass multiplied by acceleration?

What is Force


What is the name of the renaissance poison brand hidden in make-up to murder women's husbands

What is Aqua Tofana


Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?

What is Ton


How much is 4 hundreds, 4 tens, and 16 ones?

What is 456


At 6ft 4in, who was the tallest President of the US?

Who was Abraham Lincoln


What are the four states of matter?

What are Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma


where is the haunted house where Lizzie Borden supposedly murdered her whole family?

What is Fall River Massachusetts 


 Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?


They are grandfather, father, and son.


What is He earned 20$

What seems to be throwing people off is the fact that the man sells the horse for $70 and then buys it back for $80, making it look like he spent $10 more. But the correct way to solve the problem is to think of the two transactions as separate: -60 + 70 = 10 and -80 + 90 = 10.

The man makes $10 with each sale, therefore he earns a total of $20.


Which US President first made his name as an actor?

Who Was Ronald Reagan


What is the process of a liquid turning into a gas called?

What is Evaporation