Darth Vader
Lord of the Rings
A style of writing in which the author tries to reproduce the random flow of thoughts in the human mind
What is stream of consciousness
The organization of language into meaningful structure; every sentence has a particular syntax, or pattern of words
What is syntax
The generic name for a figure of speech such as image, symbol, simile, and metaphor
What is trope
A French verse form calculated to appear simple and spontaneous but consisting of nineteen lines and a prescribes pattern of rhymes.
What is villanelle
A story in which the narrative or character carry an underlying symbolic, metaphorical, or possibly an ethical menaing
What is allegory
The manner in which an author uses and arranges words,shapes, ideas, forms sentences, and creates a structure to convey ideas
What is style
The main idea or meaning, often an abstract idea upon which a work of literature is built
What is theme
A discrepancy between the true meaning of a situation and the literal meaning of the written or spoken words
What is verbal irony
The real or assumed personality used by a writer or speaker.
What is voice
The repetition of one or more initial consonants in a group of words or lines of poetry or prose
What is alliteration
A subordinate or minor collection of events in a novel or play, usually connected to the main plot
What is subplot
A character whose name appears in the title of the novel or play; also known as the eponymous character
What is title character
A synonym for poetry. Also a group of lines in a song or poem; also a single line of poetry
What is verse
The quickness of intellect and the power and talent for saying brilliant things that surprise and delight by their unexpectedness; the power to comment subtly and pointedly on the foibles of the passing scene
What is wit
A reference to a person, place, or event meant to create an effect or enhance the meaning of an idea
What is allusion
The implied meaning that underlies the main meaning of a work of literature
What is subtext
The author's attitude toward the subject being written about.
What is tone
Similar to the truth; the quality of realism in a work that persuades readers that they are getting a vision of life as it is.
What is verisimilitude
An abbreviated synopsis of a longer work of scholarship or research
What is abstract
A vagueness of meaning; a conscious lack of clarity meant to evoke multiple meanings of an idea.
What is allusion
The use of one object to evoke ideas and association not literally part of the original object.
What is symbolism
A form of literature in which the hero is destroyed by some character flaw and a set of forces that cause the hero considerable anguish
What is tragedy
The structural form of a line of verse as revealed by the number of feet it contains
What is versification
A saying or proverb containing a truth based on experience and often couched in metaphorical language.
What is adage
A person, scene, event, or other element in literature that fails to correspond with the time or era in which the work is set
What is anachronism