Drawing Conclusions
Test Taking Strategies
Non Fiction Text Features
While Billy was on vacation, he took a trip on a boat. The boat took him to the whales' feeding ground. There were many passengers on the boat. Everyone was excited at the thought of seeing a whale. Suddenly, a whale surfaced. Everyone went quiet. It was an awesome sight. Billy's eyes popped out of his head and his mouth dropped open. He stared at the whale, unable to utter a sound. -HOW DID BILLY FEEL WHEN THE WHALE SURFACED?
The Story of the Three Little Pigs
Somebody-The Wolf Wanted-to eat the pigs But-the pigs all ran to the 3rd house So-the Wolf went hungry/the Wolf was burned.
What should you do if you are stuck on a question?
Skip and go on.
Table of Contents Introduction.........................................1 Early American Flags.......................3 Betsy Ross.........................................11 The Pledge of Allegiance......................15 Flag Day..............................................23 Caring For Your Flag......................27 Flag Time Line.....................................34 Historic Flags.......................................37 In what chapter would you find information about the history of flag day?
Flag Day
Get out 2 slices of bread, peanut butter,jelly, and a knife. Cut the sandwich in half. Dip the knife into the peanut butter and the jelly. Open the jars of peanut butter and jelly. Put the pieces of bread together. Eat and enjoy!
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David knew that Nancy liked to read mystery stories. He had just finished reading one. he had liked it a lot, so he brought the book to school to give to Nancy. Nancy took the book. She said, "Wasn't the ending great!" Then she gave the book right back to David. -WHY DID NANCY GIVE THE BOOK BACK TO DAVID?
She had read the book already.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Summarize what happens first in the story.
Somebody-Goldilocks Wanted-something to eat But-Papa's porridge was too hot and Mama's was too cold So-she ate all of Baby's porridge
What should you do when you get to the first reading selection?
Read the questions
R Rochester, 301 Rome, 150 S Saratoga, 127, 129-135 Statue of Liberty 145-147 T Ticonderoga, 60-62 Tubman, Harriet 70, 77-82 On what page would you find information about the Statue of Liberty?
Put toothbrush and toothpaste away. Spit out toothpaste. Move brush around in your mouth. Get out your toothbrush and toothpaste. Wet toothbrush and toothpaste with water. Rinse off toothbrush. Squeeze toothpaste onto your toothbrush.
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Susan and Josh filled the tub with water. Josh got the soap and a brush. Susan went to look for Jake. Jake was no where to be found. The only thing Susan found, was Jake's empty leash. What happened to Jake?
Jake ran away.
The Kirkland family went camping in Yosemite National Park in northern California. They found a beautiful spot near a stream, and they set up their tent and started a fire. Mr. Kirkland left to search for more fire wood. When he returned, he saw his wife and son up in a tree. A mother bear was roasting hot dogs over the campfire and a baby cub was sleeping in a sleeping bag. The mother bear roared when she saw Mr. Kirkland. He was so afraid that he climbed up the same tree that held his wife and son.
Somebody-The Kirkland Family Wanted-to camp But-two bears came in and took over the camp So-the family climbed up a tree to keep safe
What should you fill out in order to complete your summary?
Somebody Wants But So
American Revolution: New York State Unrest in the Colonies The colonists wanted to be free from England. They wanted to make their own laws. Taxation Without Representation The colonists were forced to pay taxes for many items. They did not have any say in this rule. The colonists wanted to represent themselves. The War Begins In 1775, the Revolutionary War began. The colonists were fighting to start their own government. The Turning Point The Americans were losing the war against England until the Battle of Saratoga. New York farmers and soldiers banded together to defeat the British. The victory at Saratoga raised the spirits of the colonists. What chapter heading would give you information about when the Revolutionary War began?
The War Begins
Carve a face into the pumpkin. Pick a pumpkin from a garden or buy one at a store. Light the candle and set outside when dark. Bring the pumpkin home. Put a candle in the pumpkin. Get out a sharp knife. Cut off the top and scoop out the seeds.
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Katie wanted a pet. She went to the bookstore to buy a book about rabbits. She wanted to find out how to take care of rabbits. Then Katie and her Dad built a pen for her new rabbit. What will happen next?
Katie will buy a pet rabbit.
Joey put on his mask. He flapped his cape in front of the mirror. This is the best costume, he thought. I’m sure to win the contest. Joey skipped downstairs. “Here I come to rescue you!” Joey shouted. “Nice costume,” said Joey’s dad. “I’m a superhero,” said Joey. “Joey,” said Mom, “I need you to watch Mindy at the party.” Joey looked at his little sister. “But Mom, superheroes don’t have kid sisters.” “Well this superhero has a sister,” said Mom. “What will Mindy’s costume be?” asked Dad. “I’m not sure,” said Mom. Joey got an idea. “I know!” Joey took Mindy upstairs to his room. He dug through his closets. Joey found his baby blanket. He put it around Mindy’s shoulders. At the party, Superhero Joey and his sidekick Supergirl Mindy won first prize!
Somebody-Joey Wanted-to go to the party as a Superhero But-his mom told him to take care of his sister at the party So-he came up with a costume for his sister
If you can't pronounce someone's name in the story what can you do.
Make up a new name
Name 3 non fiction text features
Glossay Index Caption Word Bank Fact Box Headings/Subheadings Table of Contents Bold/Colored/Italics Pronunciation Guide
Tie a knot in the balloon. Pick out a balloon to blow up. Watch the balloon get big. See the balloon get even bigger. Put your mouth up to the balloon. Blow air into the balloon.
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Jason put together his new kite. He attached the string and the tail. He held his kite in the air and started to run. "Wow!" said Jason. "This is the highest my kite has ever gone." What was the weather like outside.
It was windy.
“Will you play with me?” Jake asked his sister. “Not now,” Jen said. “I have to clean my room. Jen picked up a sock. Then she put it down. “This is boring.” “I have an idea,” Jake said. “Pretend you are a robot. I will be your master.” “Okay,” Jen said. “Robot,” Jake said, “Pick up your clothes.” Jen put her socks, pants, and shirts in the hamper. “Robot, pick up your books.” Jake said. Jen stacked her books on the shelf. “Robot, make your bed,” Jake said. Jen folded her quilt and fluffed her pillow. Now her room looked neat. “Hey!” Jen said. “Thanks for helping me clean my room!” Jake smiled. “Thanks for playing with me.”
Somebody-Jake Wanted-to play with his sister, Jen But-Jen had to clean her room So-Jake made it into a game of Robot
Who is going to ROCK the OAA?
Naudia Kenyon KyShawn Teonte Donte Nicole Rome'Mya Isaiyah Aaliyah Malik
What is a feature that shows places in the world such as cities, states and countries?
A map
Leave the elevator when you are at your floor. Wait for the elevator to come. Push the up or down button outside of the elevator. Step inside the elevator. Push the number button of the floor you are going to. Wait for the elevator to stop at your floor.
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