Process Skills
Odds and Ends
Relationship between two organisms like the bird that sits on the rhino's back. The rhino stomps through the grass and insects fly away for safety. The bird quickly eats the insects.
What is commensalism. One is not affected!
What is the cause of tides, the two main types and the difference between them?
What is the moon's gravity, neap and spring tide and spring tides are higher than normal because the sun and the moon pull on the water of earth.
What is the density of water? Which object would float... one with a density of 0.5 or one with a density of 1.5?
What is 1, the object with a density of 1.5 would sink, 0.5 would float.
What is a flaw and bias?
What is flaw is a mistake, bias is unfair---changing the experiment to go in your favor.
What are the three items a plant needs to go through the process of photosynthesis? What is the waste product a plant gives off?
What is sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is given off.
Three main differences between a plant and animal cell.
What is plant cells have a cell wall, choloplast, and are rectangular shaped.
What is the cause of seasons, where is the direct sun during each?
What is the tilt of the earth. Summer has direct sun in the north, winter direct sun in the south, spring and fall direct sun on the equator.
Rusting and water boiling are both represent changes. What type of change is each and why.
What is Rust is chemical change because it is completely different than the metal it was. Boiling water is a physical change because the water vapor is still water just as a gas not a liquid.
Explain the difference between observation and inference.
What is observation is using your senses (see, feel, taste, touch, or hear) to describe. Inference is a prediction or guess based on what you know.
Name the three main steps of the water cycle and why each happens.
What is evaporation- water is heated and changes to a gas; condensation- water vapor is cooled and changes to a liquid, precipitation- water falls to the earth because it is too heavy.
If the snake was removed from the following food chain what would be the affect on the mice population and on the hawk population? grain-----mouse-----snake-----hawk
What is mice population would decrease, hawk population would increase.
What are the four ways plates move and the way they shape the land.
What is convergent (together)- mountains; divergent(apart)- new land; subducting(overlap)- volcano; transform(rub)- earthqaukes.
Describe the transfer of energy in a jogger running. (person, jogging, sweat) (type of energy and why)
What is chemical from eating, mechanical from moving and heat from sweat.
What tool measures mass? Which tool measures volume of odd shaped objects?
What is mass is a balance scale. Volume is a graduated cylinder or beaker.
Describe the way that the three main types of rocks are formed.
What is sedimentary- erosion, deposition, compaction; metamorphic- heat and pressure; igneous- cooling lava or magma
Describe three ways a creature may be adapted to survive in the desert biome.
What is store water, shallow roots, nocturnal, light coloring, etc.
Where did our star form, what will it be next and how will it end the cycle?
What is formed in a nebula, red giant next and will become a white dwarf that burns out into a black dwarf
Describe the difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy and give two examples of each.
What is renewable is is unlimited. Examples are wind, solar, water, geothermal, nuclear, biomass. Nonrenewable will eventually run out. Examples are coal, oil (petroleum) and natural gas.
Name five safety rules in the lab
What is pull back hair, no horseplay, never eat or drink, waft--don't smell directly, follow directions, tell teacher if a problem, use google-apron-and gloves, etc.
During an experiment there is an independent variable, dependent variable and a control. Describe the difference between each.
What is independent variable is what is changed. The dependent variable is measured and the control stays the same.
What is an advantage and disadvantage to asexual reproduction?
What is an advantage is the offspring of a healthy parent is alway healthy since they are identical. A disadvantage is that if a disease enters the population, all will suffer since they are identical.
The weather map on today's news shows a line with triangles moving toward our city. It is followed by a giant L. The current temperature is 37. What do you expect the weather to be? Temperature, precipitation and possible clouds.
What is the temperature would decrease, rain or possibly snow (if temp is below 32) would fall and the clouds would be stratus or possibly cumulonimbus if there are storms.
Is a ball rolling down a hill in a forest balanced or unbalanced? How do you know it is in motion?
What is unbalanced (it is moving). You know this because it the reference point (the hill or trees on the hill) are still and the ball changes position since the trees can't.
Explain why sample size is important. What is the minimum sample size?
What is larger sample size is more accurate becuase there is more data. Smaller sample size doesn't have as much data to be accurate. Must do an experiment at least three times!
Name four ways to identify rocks.
What is luster, streak, color, hardness, fracture or cleavage, etc.