Safety and Security
Potty and Stuff

I'm Late For a Very Important Date
Miscellaneious Soup

This is the least number of volunteers that should ever be with students.



Fill in the blank- In these places you may enter a restroom with a child only if (Blank)

Nursery, toddler and preschool you may assist a student in the bathroom with the door open after telling another teacher. 


Our campus is free from this one food item.



This is a weekly CM gathering before service that is a high priority.

What is prayer.


This is the place you should "check in" when you serve on Sunday.

What is the i pad.


After class on Sunday students can only leave the classroom when this happens.

When a parent, guardian, or other authorized person comes in to pick them up.


We do this before and after changing a diaper.

Wash your hands.


You should take these steps if a student gets sick or injured during class. (non-life threatening)

Text Amber, Amber will alert parents! Have another teacher or helper move other students away. Isolate the area where any blood or body fluid may have dropped on floor or other items. Locate First Aid Kit and put on gloves. Fill out an accident report and make sure that a parent and a Family Ministries staff member signs. Please have the person who witnessed the accident or illness fill it out.


This is what you should do before coming to Amber about not being able to serve on a Sunday.

What is find a sub.


This is a positive way to redirect a student, name one.

What is have the child sit with you. Redirect them to a different situation or area. Challenge the child while encouraging individual strengths.


This one piece of identification should be worn by the teacher or shepherds every time they serve in the classroom.

Your nametag.


Walking older students to the bathroom requires you to do these 2 things.

Before students enter, make sure the bathroom is empty and stand out side the main door of the bathroom.


In a life threatening situation you should do this.

Call 911 and alert Amber or other Oak Hills Staff.


This is the time you can leave your class if no students arrive.

What is 20 minutes, after you have checked with Amber.


All students should have one of these on when they enter your classroom.

What is their name tag.


This safety measure should be turned on at all times when students are present. What am I?

What is the door alarm.


This is what you should do if an older student, above preschool, asks for help in the bathroom.

Tell them to do the best they can and move on.


This is something Children's Ministries volunteers should never administer. 

Medication, either oral or topical.


This is the amount of time a service lasts when you have plans after church.

What is forever.


This something we never force our students to do.

What is hug or kiss us.


This is what you should do if the fire alarm in the Main Building goes off during class time.

What is Stay Calm, gather your your students and follow the escape route to the parking lot posted in your individual rooms. (gather on grass under the power lines.)


You should never do this one thing while changing a diaper.

look or turn away from child on changing table.


This is what happens when seeing signs of illness during child drop off; unusual fatigue or irritability, unusual coughing or sneezing, fever, vomiting, etc. 

We ask the parent to keep the child with them so they do not infect others.


This how many minutes before service begins that you should be in your classroom.

What is 20 minutes.


This piece of technology should not be used in the classroom unless there is an emergency. 

What is a cell phone. (Even if you only have one student, it is our job to engage with, pray for or otherwise pay attention to, our students.)