St John Baptist De La Salle
In the House
By the Numbers
Our Students
Mixed Bag
St John Baptist De La Salle was born in this century.
What is the 17th Century in 1651
Name the 6 House Deans in 2015
Who are Mr. Newman, Mr. Elwood, Mr McMurrich, Mr. Martyn, Mrs Waters, Mr Burke
How many Butlers does the school have teaching?
What is 4
Name the DUX of the College for 2014
Who is Daniel Menezes (with an ATAR of 99.35)
Can you name a faculty that only has female staff.
What is Learning Support, Drama, Visual Arts, Careers, Library
St John Baptist De La Salle became a priest at this age
What is 27
Deo Duce is on the College crest, and translates from Latin to English as...
What is "with God as our leader"
How many steps are there on the north side of the CSC going from BC North to the Science labs
What is 51
The winner of the 2015 Battle of the Bands was…
Who is "Guilty as Charged"
What is the largest Faculty in the school in regards to the number of teachers that teach the subject.
What is Religion (29 teachers of it in 2015)
There are Lasallian schools in ____ countries around the world. (accept within 5)
What is 80
Combine these two house colours and you get orange (close enough to it)
What is LaSalle and Benhildus
What year was our school founded
What is 1936
Name of two alumni students currently playing professional football (any code) in 2015
Who are Kieran Jack (in the AFL for the Swans) and Luke Keary (in Rugby League for South Sydney)
Name the last 2 musicals performed by the College
What is Mrs Saigon in 2014 and Cats in 2012
St John Baptist de La Salle was named “Patron Saint of Teachers” on this year; the same year the first credit card was ever used (in the USA) and the year Stevie Wonder was born.
What is 1950
In the history of the Oakhill Cup, there have only ever been winners in these two houses.
What is Miguel and Solomon
The year Oakhill became a co-ed school
What is 1976
Number of swimming races the girls lost in the ISA Swimming Championships
What is 0
Name 3 new teachers who have joined our College for the first time in 2015 (full time)
Who are 3 of Mr Abraham, Ms Bozic, Mr Dennis-Smither, Mr Mcloughlin, Mr Simonian, Mrs Whelan
The year the De La Salle Brothers established their 1st community in Australia. Also the year Bondi Beach formed the worlds first surf life saving club.
What is 1906
House named after 8 Brothers and one Passionist priest martyred in 1934 in the Brother’s school in Spain.
What is Turon
The period start times for a typical Tuesday in 2015, not counting Lasallian period start time.
What is p1 at 8.35, p2 at 9.25, p3 at 11.15, p4 at 12.05, p5 at 1.35 and p6 at 2.25
The number of students currently attending Oakhill in 2015 (within 5)
What is 1647
Name the 3 buildings of the school which house student classrooms and start with the letter M
What is MacIntosh, Miguel, Mutien