The embryo's neural tube forms at this gestational age.
What is "3 weeks gestation"?
Thinning or stretching of the cervix from 0% to 100%.
What is effacement?
Given within 72 hours of birth to Rh- mothers who gave birth to Rh+ babies.
What is Rhogam?
Method used to assess newborn, 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth.
What is APGAR Scoring?
What is postpartum hemorrhage?
This two-word mnemonic explains the fetal heart rate pattern and its significance.
What is VEAL CHOP?
This stage of labor is characterized by the cervix dilating from 0 to 10 cm and includes the latent, active, and transition phases.
What is First Stage of Labor?
This IV/IM pain management medication should not be given if the patient has renal disease.
What is ketorolac?
Born before 38 weeks gestation
What is preterm infant?
Calcium gluconate is the reversal agent for this medication.
What is magnesium sulfate?
Women who have oligohydramnios can have this procedure to stop fetal distress.
What is amnioinfusion?
This mnemonic is equivalent to the actions the nurse must take for late decelerations lasting more than ten minutes.
What is LION(S)?
This medication for postpartum hemorrhage must be given with an anti-diarrheal. It is contraindicated for patients with asthma.
What is hemabate/Carboprost?
This cannot be performed on the male infant without the vitamin K shot.
What is circumcision?
This heart tracing occurs because of cord compression.
What is variable deceleration?
This is the assessment of the fetal head, lie, presentation, attitude, and position.
What is Leopold Maneuver?
This labor complication occurs when the umbilical cord slips through the cervix before the baby, leading to an obstetric emergency.
What is prolapsed umbilical cord?
You should not massage the legs if you suspect this.
What is DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)?
This treats neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
What is phototherapy?
The three P's - factors affecting labor.
What are Passageway, Powers, and Passenger?
Ultrasound guided procedure to externally turn a baby to the normal vertex presentation.
What is External Cephalic Version.
This obstetric emergency occurs when the fetal head delivers but the shoulders become lodged behind the maternal pubic symphysis, requiring maneuvers like McRoberts and suprapubic pressure.
What is shoulder dystocia?
Besides a headache, pain in this area may indicate preeclampsia.
What is upper right quadrant abdominal / epigastric pain?
Soft tissue swelling that does not cross the suture line in neonates.
What is cephalohematoma?
The placenta grows through the uterine wall and may invade nearby organs, such as the bladder
What is placenta percreta?