110-160 bpm
What are normal baseline parameters for a FHR
What is the Early Phase of Labor.
Pitocin, Methergine, Hemabate, Cytotec, TXA
What are the medications given for Postpartum Hemorrhage
Yellow coloring of the baby's skin and eyes, poor feeding, and lethargy
What are the signs/symptoms of jaundice/ hyperbilirubinemia
Lab test done around 24-28 weeks gestation to check how the body moves glucose from the blood to the tissues
What is a glucose tolerance test
Deceleration that lines up with contraction on the monitor; considered good; caused by head compression
What is Early Deceleration
Separation of the placenta is marked by these 2 things
What are umbilical cord lengthening and a gush of blood
Pt has b/p 150/87, headache, 2+ proteinuria, epigastric pain, elevated liver enzymes, oliguria, DTR's 3+
What are signs/symptoms of Preeclampsia
This vitamin is essential for neural tube development. Should optimally be started 2-3 months prior to conception
What is folic acid
done to obtain amniotic fluid possible after 14 weeks in late pregnancy done to determine fetal lung maturity (surfactant)
What is Amniocentesis
2 or more accelerations of FHR in 20 min period lasting 15 sec; increase of 15 bpm above baseline. Reactive- good
What is NST
Hypotension is the most common problem after receiving this intervention
What is an epidural
Possible birth defects, miscarriage, stillbirth, and risk of macrosomia(4000-4500g)
What are the fetal risks of maternal diabetes
Obstetric history of a woman who had 3 pregnancies and 2 births
What is G3 P2
Measuring fetal movement, including kicks, rolling, and flutters daily around the same time, evaluating if there are 10 fetal movements in two hours
What are daily fetal kick counts
Pt to left side, Administer 10 L O2via non-rebreather mask, Stop Pitocin, give IV fluids
What are interventions for late decelerations
When a patient is laboring with strong contractions every 3 minutes apart and her cervical exam is 6cm/80%/-1.
What is the first stage of labor, the active phase
pt presents with painless, bright red bleeding
What is Placenta Previa
The body of the newborn is pink but the hands and feet remain blue
What is Acrocyanosis
confirms pregnancy verifies due date visualization of fetus locates fetus determines condition of placenta and growth of the uterus measures amniotic fluid
What is Ultrasonography
What is a late deceleration.
Placenta Insufficiency
At delivery, the newborn head was delivered with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.
What is a nuchal cord
An infection of the amniotic fluid and tissue that surround a fetus during pregnancy
What is Chorioamnionitis
Betamethasone, MgSo4 infusion for 24 hours, Nifedipine, Terbutaline, Indocin
What are medications used for Preterm Labor