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what is bacon
whihc syd draws
which capricorn loves pickles
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wgat roblox game is the server based on
what is obbys
who does leomy frequently visit
what is eva
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which syd hates pickles so much
what is sydcao
whihc capricorn loves the booth
what is amari
what roblox game is frequented by obby lobby members
what is royal high
what kpop star is leomy obsessed with
how many pets does elena have?
what is none
which syd watched every horror movie
which capiricorn twlks so much
what is amari
what game got the scary guys and hooks
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what is leomys favorite clothing item
what is their black and gray denim jacket
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which syd loves howls moving castle
whihc capricorn is super extremely weird
what is jenna
what is elenadogs favorite number
what did vicookie want to do after she lost her bark?
respiratory infection
which syd is funnier
what is both r funny
which capircorn loves kpop the most (most involved in kpop community)
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what is elenas favorite show?
hunter x hunter
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what is behind mcdonals