You're too big for us
What is
•There’s no denying we are the industry leader. We are proud of the strength of our resources, inspiring history, and talented people.
•Our technology is second to none in our industry.
•We offer financial protections that smaller organizations cannot provide.
•Because of our size, we have programs and services other companies have difficulty providing.
Associa Advantage
Associa On Call
•You won’t be just a number to us. Every one of our associations is a family member.
Do we get to interview our manager?
What is
•With large prospects, we will need to accommodate this request. You will work with the Operations team to identify this individual and coach them prior to the introduction. With medium to small prospects, we generally introduce the proposed manager after Associa has been selected.
We don't want to be nickeled and dimed
What is
We serve communities of all sizes– from small HOAs to expansive master planned communities, and our Menu of Services is applicable to all of them.
We value transparency, so if you ask us to perform a service you know exactly the cost. However, you are only charged for what you use.
Cheesecake Factory menu
Your accounting is not done locally
What is
•Managing your finances is our #1 priority.
•We have the most secure, effective, and efficient accounting processes.
•Segregation of Duties
•TownSq provides financial transparency
•Local Director of Accounting
How many communities will our manager manage?
What is
•We don’t have a set number of communities in a manager’s portfolio because the complexities and service delivery of each community don't fit into a box.
•When evaluating a manager’s portfolio we take several factors into account and pair the manager’s strengths with the community’s needs.
•Building a portfolio - Great Place to Work for EIGHTH consecutive year by not overloading managers, Team approach, etc.
You're too expensive. We don't need all the bells and whistles.
What is
•We have spent significant time analyzing the market and position our pricing to fit the needs of each specific community.
•While we might not be the least expensive, we will demonstrate our value with a high-level service and deliverables.
•We bring additional cost savings through our integrated services which competing companies may not offer.
What if we don't want to use your vendors?
What is
• No problem! The final decision on the vendors used lies with the Board. The Board signs all agreements with all vendors.
* Your manager's responsibility is to provide multiple bids when asked to give you the most competitive pricing based on a scope of work that each vendors agrees to.
*Your manager will make sure that any vendor used is properly vetted by providing us with correct insurance coverage along with their business license.
*One of the benefits in partnering with Associa is our vendor network of vetted vendors who successfully serve clients just like you in this area. They are eager to work with us and therefore provide competitive pricing.
How long has your manager been with Associa?
What is
This is answer is very branch specific; however, always give a range; never a specific timeframe.
Most of our community does not use technology
What is
TownSq, our communication tool, is one of many ways we can connect with your owners. We meet them where they are comfortable, so if they want to call us, we will pick up the phone. If they want to email us, we will respond in kind.
•Although not all of your owners embrace technology right now, it is important for you, as a Board, to consider those owners who will/would use TownSq and be thrilled with the transparency and communication it provides. You will look like a hero to them and the future owners who move in and will be expecting this level of technology.
*We offer a training on TownSq for both Board members and homeowners, so if they are willing to learn, we are willing to teach them!
•Letters such as notices, collection and annual meeting are still mailed to owners
•Maintain ability to post notices in the community
Poor Online Reviews
What is
What is
•The nature of our business requires us to deliver bad news to residents from time to time.
•Violation letters, collection notices, towing vehicles, and enforcement of governing docs.
•Many of the concerns in reviews come from a lack of understanding of policies and financial limitations.
•We have a team that monitors and responds to each and every review – immediately!
Your Office isn't nearby
What is
We have served communities in the area for many years.
Office location will not affect our ability to serve your community association. Why?
Your manager will already be serving communities near you and will be onsite per the agreed upon terms.
Our online tools allow the board and homeowners to perform many activities from their homes, and our team is alerted when assistance is required.
Our online payables lockbox makes check disbursements simple, secure, and nearly effortless.
Why would we indemnify Associa from their actions?
What is
* Associa works on behalf of the board.
* We are only asking for the same protection you would expect if you were a self managed association
*This would not include Willful Misconduct, Criminal acts, Gross Negligence, or material breach of this agreement
* 10 Million Fidelity Bond- Largest in the industry
What is
What is