rules of procedures
article IV
article VI
article VII
article VIII
this kind of question contains two or more questions in one

what is a compound question?


This specific objection will be raised when an attorney asks a witness a question that bears no relation to the case. 

Rule 402: Relevance


This objection is raised when an attorney is feeding their witness the answer within a question DURING a Direct Examination, essentially testifying on behalf of the Witness. 

What is Rule 611c: Leading 


this is the definition of a lay witness

what is a witness that is not an expert?


this is the legal definition of a statement

what is an oral assertion, written assertion, or nonverbal conduct, if the person intended it as an assertion?


the steps of this include:
1. asking the witness to identify
2. proving the credibility of an exhibit

what is the process for entering evidence?

this is the difference between 401 and 402

what is the definition versus admissibility? 


this objection is used when a direct attorney tries to point their witness towards an answer

what is rule 611c (leading)?


this is the process for entering a witness as an expert

what is:
1. establish background

2. establish expertise

3. ask politely :)?

exceptions to hearsay are exceptions to this rule

what is rule 802?


This objection will be raised when an attorney begins the procedure of Introduction of Exhibits without laying proper background on set Exhibit. 

Rule 49: Lack of Foundation


this is how often we use relevance

what is rarely?

this objection is called when a witness or a lawyer testifies to something that has not been fully established or not based on facts

what is speculation?


this rule is used in defense when opposing counsel objects to a expert based testimony

what is rule 702 (testimony by experts)?


this is the difference between rules 801 and 802

what is the definition versus admissibility?


this is the rule number for an unresponsive witness (deliberate filibustering)

what is rule 53c?


This is the description of Rule 404; Character Evidence 

This specific objection is invoked when an attorney attempts to use the character traits of a witness to prove actions were taken because of those traits. 

this objection is used when a witness doesnt know what theyre talking about and the lawyer is being kind about it

what is rule 612 (refreshment of witness's memory)?


this makes an expert witness an expert

what is knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education?


true or false: hearsay objections can be used against what someone said (exclusively) in a courtroom (only)



these are the three subsets to rule 47 (a, b, c)

what is:

a. argumentative
b. ambiguous (compound) question
c. non-responsive witness


This is the description for Rule 403: More Prejudicial than probative 

This objection is raised when an attorney or witness provides a line of testimony that holds little or no value to the case other than creating a bias for the jury. 


these objections are used when a witness doesn't know what they are talking about and you as a lawyer wants to punish them

what are rules 607-609 (impeachment)?


when a witness is not testifying as an expert, testimony is limited to this

what are testimonies that are opinions that are not:
a. rationally based on the witness's perception;

b. helpful to clearly understand the witness's testimony or to determining a fact in issue; and

c. not based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge within the scope of rule 702


this is the definition of hearsay (exactly)

what is an out of court statement offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted?