Name one type of pen.(Multiple answers will be accepted)
What is (la pluma, el boligrafo, el lapicero)?
In Senora Thompson's classroom she has one of these located near her escritorio.
What is la ventana?
It comes in handy when you make a mistake.
What is el borrador?
People walk through one of these everyday. It is where some lockers are.
What is el pasillo?
Before modern times teachers used this to write.
What is La tiza?
There are many of these in our classroom. Hint:(they are blue)
What is la silla?
We use a book full of paper to take notes in class.
What is en cuaderno?
Everyone goes here to eat food. Students walk through a line.
What is la cafeteria?
Children use these for fun.
What is los crayones?
Children sometimes have a hard time reading this if it is not digital.
This common object is made from trees and is used everyday in school.
What is el papel?
I keep books and things in here during the school day.
What is el casillero?
This special type of pencil can be found in most classrooms.
What is lapices de colores
Many things can be done with this common classroom furniture and we use it frequently.
What is el pizarron?
This is used to fix something that is broken and we have some located here in our classroom.
What is sacapuntas?
Most people find this place frightening. If kids are well behaved they never end up in there.
What is la oficina del(de la) director?