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Bible 5
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In James 4:7, the apostle encourages followers to resist the devil, because then this will happen.

What is “He will flee from you”?


These two books in the Old Testament were named after the women they featured.

Who are Esther and Ruth?


When Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, he responded three times with arguments that started with these three words, according to Matthew 4:

What is ‘It is written’?


This Old Testament prophet prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.

Who is Micah?


After Jesus and his parents returned from Egypt, they settled in this working-class town in Galilee.

What is Nazareth?


2019 Theme - We Are His Workmanship was taken from this passage

What is Eph 2.10


In 1 Kings 19, Elijah the Prophet is fleeing from a woman known by this name, also the wife of King Ahab. An angel gives Elijah food and drink to help Him escape the woman’s wrath.

Who is Jezebel?


This major prophet made the most prophecies about the coming of Christ.

Who is Isaiah?


In Mark 8, Jesus healed one blind man by packing mud and spit on his eyes. When the man began to see, he told Jesus that people looked like these items in nature.

What are trees?


This devout man in Luke 2 was promised he would see the Messiah before he died. He rejoiced to hold the child Jesus in his arms.

Who is Simeon?


In the parable of the fig tree told in Matthew 21, Jesus curses the tree because it is not making this.

What is fruit?


Our 2018 Theme which says 

Unshakeable Faith in a Failing World – Change Begins With Me was taken from this passage

What is Philippians 2.12-16


In the Book of Jude, this archangel was lauded for not arguing with the devil, but rather saying, “Lord rebuke thee.”

Who is Michael?


This Old Testament Book was named after the sacred priest who anointed both King Saul and King David. His mother was Hannah.

What is 1 Samuel?


Simon Peter’s brother, this fellow disciple, actually introduced Simon Peter to the Lord in John 1.

Who was Andrew?


The Invasion of the Southern Kingdom, noted in Daniel 1, resulted in the exile of most Jews to Babylon. The invasion was led by this notorious Babylonian king.

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?



For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

What is Ephesians 2:8-9?


Can I get a witness

Who is President Jones


The only people in the Bible known to have seen a multitude of heavenly hosts, singing and praising God, were these men in Luke 2. The angels were announcing that Jesus had been born.

Who were Shepherds?


The first five books in the Bible, are often called by one name:

What is the Pentateuch?


The Apostle Paul was blinded, then spoken to by Jesus on this famed road, alluded to in Acts 9.

What is the Road to Damascus?


This Gospel writer also wrote the Book of Acts.

Who is Luke?


Eve was created from Adam’s ribs. But Adam was created by God from this.

What is the dust of the earth?


Can I get you to touch 2 or 3 people and tell them...

Who is President Harrison


In Mark 5:1-15, Jesus casts a legion of spirits out of a tormented man. The legion ran into these animals.

What are swine?


According to John 18, Jesus performed this miracle on a servant in the Garden of Gethsemane after one of his disciples got a bit overzealous with his sword.

 What is restoring an ear?


While he was still known as Saul, the Apostle Paul was also known by this place, from which he hailed. He was Saul of….

What is Tarsus?


According to Acts 1, this man replaced Judas as the 12th disciple shortly before Pentecost.

Who is Matthias?


Father Abraham was asked to sacrifice a son by this name, but the Lord intervened before he could do it.

Who was Isaac?


Give me just a few more minutes

What is, "All Black Preachers"


Mentioned in the Bible only once, in Isaiah 14, this well-known master demon is said to have fallen out of heaven.

Who is Lucifer?


During the Transfiguration, as recorded in Matthew 17, Jesus was seen talking to these two Old Testament prophets.

Who were Moses and Elijah?


In Genesis 9:11, the rainbow that appeared to Noah after the flood symbolized God’s Covenant with man and the promise that this certain natural disaster would never again occur.

What is earth being destroyed by water?



The Lord is my rock and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?

What is Psalm 27:1?


Our 2009 Theme taken from Numbers 13.30, was similar to Candidate Obama's theme

What is, 'Yes We Can'


Which NFL Team is most likely to win the AFC North

Stop Tripping - You Dreaming