Dr. Xargle & Earthlets
Seven Blind Mice
Imaginary Animal
According to Dr. Xargle Earthlets are patted and squeezed so
They don't explode
When you make an observation you are using your
What did the first mouse observe?
He felt the elephant's foot
You are walking on the grass barefoot. It is a warm, sunny day. You reach the end of the grass and have a choice between walking barefoot on blacktop or on a sidewalk. You notice heat waves rising from the blacktop. You choose to walk on the sidewalk, because you _________ from the heat waves and your past experiences about black surfaces that the blacktop is too hot.
What inference can you make about an animal's diet if its mouth is very tiny, with no teeth and its lips are long and shaped like a straw?
maybe a liquid diet, no chewing required, maybe a hummingbird sucking nectar
Dr. Xargle observes the parent Earthling drying the Earthlet and says Earthlets are dried so they won't shrink. Dr. Xargle's lack of experience with human babies causes him to make an incorrect?
The triple beam balance was use to measure
the mass or weight of the mystery sample
What did the mouse infer from his observation (feeling the elephant's foot)?
The mouse thought it was a pillar
Your dog comes in from outside and you observe its fur is well. What inferences could you make from your observations?
Possible answers: it's raining outside, your dog jumped in a pool or river, someone gave it a bath
What inference can you make about how well an animal sees if its head is round and it has four large eyes?
good vision, good peripheral vision
What is an observation?
Information taken in directly through the senses
A paleontologists study fossils to make inferences about
ancient life
What did the seventh mouse do before making an inference?
The seventh mouse ran from one end of the elephant to the other and made observations of each part
You walk into your backyard and you observe feathers all over the ground. What inferences could you make from your observations?
Possible answers: an animal caught a bird, someone had a pillow fight, birds were fighting
What can you infer about an animal's habitat if they are covered with scales and its hands and feet look like paddles with just small thumbs.
lives in water and may even live on land (amphibious)
Earthlets are sprinkled with dust so.....
they don't stick to things.
Archaeologists make observations of artifacts to infer how
people lived long ago
Why is a good idea to make multiple observations before making an inference?
When you base your inference on more observations, you are less likely to make an incorrect inference
A paleontologist observes a fossil of a fish in the desert. What inferences could her or she make from their observation?
Possible answers: The desert was covered with water at one time, someone dropped the fossil there
Mary dribbled the ball down the floor and then turned to pass. Infer what Mary is doing?
What is an inference?
A conclusion you draw to explain your observations.
Biologists collect evidence from scat(animal droppings) to make inferences about
What is the mouse moral for The Seven Blind Mice?
The mouse moral, " Knowing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole ".
What properties of the mystery samples were you able to observe without looking at the actual sample?
sound, magnetic properties, mass/weight
As the car turned west suddenly the driver was almost blinded by the light from the sun. What can you infer about the time of day?
around sunset because the sun sets in the west