Scene It (Disney Princess Era)
WARNING: Very Specific
Explain (Warner Bros ANY GENRE) BONUS QUESTIONS involved
Movie Subtitles (No Genre)
Explain (Pixar)
Scene It (Marvel)

In the Little Mermaid what color is the lobster that plays the seashell percussion during the song "Under The Sea"?

(He also has a harmonizing duet with Sebastian during the song)

Hint: Not your usual colored lobster:/

What is Blue?


In the movie, A Cinderella Story, explain what Sam disappointingly says to Austin in the locker room 

Explanation: Anything along the lines of being a coward, a phony,or the infamous line "...but I can't wait for him. Because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought uSeLeSs & DiSaPPoiNting..."


What color font is usually written with subtitles?

What is white?


How many hops does the little lamp take (onscreen) before hopping on the certain letter of the word PIXAR?

BONUS (+20): What letter does the little lamp always hop on?

What is 4?

and What is the letter I?


What happens after every Marvel movie?

BONUS (+100): True or False Avenger Marvel Movies end with 2 after credit scenes

Something along the lines of an ending credit scene always occurs

Bonus: TRUE


In The Princess and the Frog, during the song Dig a Little Deeper, Mama Odie sings " Don't matter where you come from, Don't even matter what you are..."

Finish the lyrics.

Hint: She names certain animals

What is "a dog, a pig, a cow, a goat, Had 'em all in here..."? 


In the movie Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, during the scene of the  Quidditch match, what happened to Harry? 

BONUS (+150): What spell is used to change a dementors' physical form? or just scare them away?

Explanation: Anything along the lines of, He heard a voice, passed out because of the dementors' presences


What language do Americans, majority of the time, have to use when using subtitles? 

What is English?


In the movie COCO, how did Miguel figure out that Hector is his great grandfather?

BONUS (+50): What is another instrument other than the guitar that is played in the movie?

Explanation: Anything along the lines of, They exchanged pictures when being thrown out by Ernesto De La Cruz, they recognize Coco


In the movie Spiderman: Far From Home, what happened on MJ & Peter Parker's date?

Something along the lines of he got accused and was seen as the bad guy


In Beauty & The Beast, during the song "Belle", what is different with the lady (apart from all the other villagers) that sings the line, "Now it's no wonder that her name means beauty, Her looks have got no parallel..."

What is being bald?


In the live-action movie of Scooby Doo:The Movie, why does Scrappy Doo need the spirits out of people's bodies?

BONUS (+150): Who does Scrappy Doo need to complete his transformation?

Explanation: Along the lines of having " Puppy Power" or energy enough to rule the world with his "all powerful army"

BONUS: Who is Scooby Doo?




Whoever wins best 2/3, gets the points


In the famous movie Cars, what country song was immensely promoted through the movie?

BONUS (+50): What is the name of the country band?

Explanation: Life is a Highway

Name of the Country Band: Rascal Flatts


In the Marvel movies that have Captain America, what is Captain America's famous saying?

What is "I could do this all day."?


In the movie Aladdin, during the scene of Aladdin escaping the cave of wonders, what does the disguised-Jafar say to Aladdin after Aladdin hands over the lamp?

Jafar's line: Giving you your reward, your eternal reward... tee hee tee hee *evil laughter*


In the movie Ocean's 8, starring Sandra Bullock, who are the other 7 famous celebrities that were apart of the thieving crew? If you don't remember their real life names, recall what TV show or other movies they come from...

BONUS (+100): Name one other movie/show that one of the other members from the crew star in

Who is Anne Hathaway, Cate Blanchett, Rihanna, Sarah Paulson, Awkwafina, Mindy Kaling ,and Helena Bonham Carter?


When you can't hear what another person on screen is saying what do subtitles display?

Hint: L-- M--------

What is Low Murmuring?


In the movie Monters Inc., what is the very first scene as the movie begins after the beginning credits?

Explanation: A practice scare simulation goes wrong with Mr. Bile (his friends call him Phlegm). He left the door wide open that could lead letting a child in to the Monster world.


In The Avenger Series, who is appointed being the most ignorant and self-centered Avenger?

BONUS (+100): What was his Father's name?

Who is Tony Stark?

BONUS: Who is Howard Stark?


In Mulan, during the scene of being King of The Rock at the lake, what does Yao say as he presents himself on the rock?

What is Yao's line: And I am Yao, King of The Rock, and there's nothing you girls can do about it.


From any Batman movie starring the Joker, what is Joker's most infamous line? 

Hint: Twas said repeatedly by the actor Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight Rises...

What is: Why so serious?


What is written for the subtitles when you can't really hear what the people on screen are saying?

Hint: I--------- C-----------

What is Indistinct Conversation?


In the movie, Finding Nemo, what is the last scene before the ending credits or just when it says The End?

BONUS (+100): What is the other last scene between the ending credits?

Explanation: Nemo goes to school again with the other fishes

BONUS: the Dentist fish escape to the ocean or a little eats that big scary fish with the light


In the movie Black Panther, what metal is distinctively used in Wakanda?

BONUS (+150): What jewelry gift did T'Challa receive from his Father at his passing?

What is Vibranium?

BONUS: A ring