What planet OTHER than Earth would be most suitable for life?
A _____ shows how something looks or works.
A ball of ice, dust, and gases that revolve around the sun.
This tool allows you to observe space.
Earth moves in what type of orbit?
Name the order of the planets from the sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What is an astronomer?
A scientist who studies outer space.
These hurling balls of rock are located between Mars and Jupiter.
Scientists use this tool to analyze light.
What is the sun made of?
A hot ball of glowing gases
What is the largest planet?
True or False: The sun is the largest object in OUR solar system.
Name two things that lenses of telescopes help astronomers do:
1) Analyze stars and planets
2) Make distant objects more clear to see.
All of your group needs to show me what "rotation" means by simply moving.
Spin around!
Between what planets is the asteroid belt located?
Mars and Jupiter
Name the astronomer who correctly discovered that the Earth orbits the sun.
Describe the similarities in orbit for the Earth and moon AND the Earth and sun.
The moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth orbits the sun.
An arrangement of stars that appear to be the shape of something else.
Two people in your group need to demonstrate ROTATION and REVOLUTION through movement.
The sun stays still. A student spins around and revolves around the other student.
Why is Pluto, or other dwarf planets, no longer classified as official planets?
There are so many, it would be impossible to keep track of them all.
What is the name for the current model of the Solar System?
Modern Model
Describe the difference between a meteor and a meteoroid.
A meteor is passing through Earth's atmosphere and a meteoroid has actually hit the ground.
Name 5 constellations.
Answers vary
In detail, describe how you are capable of staying on the ground, how the moon stays in orbit to the Earth, and how the Earth stays in orbit to the sun.
The gravitational pull of each object keeps pulling the other object(s) to the center.