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Section 4

Explains how individuals make choices about allocating scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants

What is Economics?


Measures efficiency based on opportunity costs

What is comparative advantage?


Measures the ease of converting an asset into the medium of exchange

What is liquidity?


The shared atmospheric environment required to maintain a stable climate on Earth

What are Climate Commons?


Making provable statements about phenomena (cause and effect model)

What is Positive Economics?


Measures the sensitivity of quantity demand to changes in price

What is Price Elasticity of Demand?


Third-party group that include banks and mutual funds which connect groups participating in financial transaction.

What are Financial Intermediaries?


Created incentives to use more renewable energy and described as the most significant climate legislation in history

What is the Inflation Reduction Act?


Exists if no one benefits without hurting someone else in terms of economic disribution

What is Pareto Efficiency?


Effectively allocating resources to maximize benefits for both suppliers and buyers... Scarce goods and services are produced by those who can produce it most cheap, going to those who value the good the most

What are Characteristics of Competitive Market Equilibrium?


Direct government spending allowing for economic intervention/activity

What is Fiscal Policy?


Created in the 1960s to regulate smog in Los Angeles by responding to electric vehicle adoption

What is the The California Air Resources Board (CARB)