This is the largest ocean on Earth.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
The variety of life in a particular ecosystem, including species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity, is known as _______.
What is biodiversity?
This is the world’s largest rainforest.
What is the Amazon Rainforest?
This is the most common type of pollution found in the ocean.
What is plastic?
The most abundant greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere.
What is carbon dioxide?
The process where water falls from the sky as rain, snow, or hail.
What is precipitation?
Species that are not native to an ecosystem and often harm native species by competing for resources.
What are invasive species?
Cutting down too many trees is called ___.
What is deforestation?
This heavy metal is a common pollutant in water that causes serious health issues when ingested.
What is lead?
The term for human-caused environmental impacts on the Earth.
What are anthropogenic impacts?
The process where water turns into vapor and rises into the air.
What is evaporation?
The process by which species disappear from the planet, often due to habitat loss, climate change, or human activity.
What is extinction?
This process occurs when too many herbivores consume vegetation faster than it can regenerate, often leading to habitat degradation.
What is overgrazing?
This term describes the process in which pollutants increase in concentration as they move up the food chain
What is biomagnification?
The process by which the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide causes its pH to increase.
What is ocean acidification?
This giant sea creature is the largest animal on Earth.
What is a blue whale?
These protected areas, often managed by governments or organizations, aim to conserve biodiversity by restricting human activities.
What are nature reserves or national parks?
This large carnivore, once nearly extinct in the U.S., was successfully reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park, helping restore the ecosystem.
What is the gray wolf?
This atmospheric pollutant is responsible for the formation of acid rain.
What is sulfur dioxide (SO2)?
The international agreement that aims to limit global temperature rise to 1.5c above pre-industrial levels.
What is the Paris Agreement?
These two things cause sea level rise.
What is ice caps melting and thermal expansion?
The greatest threat to biodiversity today, often caused by deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture.
What is habitat destruction?
A term for large, connected areas of protected land that allow wildlife to migrate and maintain genetic diversity.
What are wildlife corridors?
This environmental disaster in the 1970s led to the U.S. government creating Superfund sites for toxic waste cleanup.
What is the Love Canal disaster?
This country emits the most carbon dioxide per capita.
What is Qatar?