Burnout Preventions
Fun Facts about Nursing
Burnout 🔥
The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends how many minutes of physical activity per week?

150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week


What province has the largest hospital (# of beds)?

Ontario (1273 beds)


Mary decided that it was a good idea to work a night shift and have prior commitments in the morning to attend. She is now aggressive and agitated at 2 pm the next day. What prevention strategy should Mary practice?

Stick to a sleep schedule 


What is one of the most effective mechanisms for coping with workplace stress?


What is the proper number of hours of sleep to be getting per night?



What is the name of the exam you must pass to be a Registered Nurse in Alberta?



Tim is overwhelmed with a heavy workload with co-workers continually asking for assistance. He is 1 hour past his lunch break and beginning to get frustrated with patients. What prevention strategy should Tim use?

Take a break


What are the 2 ways burnout is characterized? 

Physical and emotional exhaustion


What is the proper action to take if you have deemed yourself unfit to practice?

Call your manager and do not go into work, if longterm inform CRNA


What is the average number of miles that a nurse walks during a 12-hour shift?

4-5 miles


Anna has decided snacks at the nursing station are a must. While in Walmart preparing for a shift she picks chips and pop and zooms past the veggies. Her whole 12-hour shift she eats the chips and pop. What prevention strategy should Anna use?

Eat a well-balanced diet 


What are 3 ways to spot burnout?

- emotional exhaustion

- loss of excitement for their work 

- irritability/resentment of expectations

- avoidance of meaningful encounters with clients and families

- frequent illness: headaches, upset stomach

- skipping meals or eating compulsively on the run 

- becoming isolated from others 


List 4 strategies you can use to reduce stress in nursing school / as a future working nurse?

Exercise, take breaks, set goals, eat a well-balanced diet, ask for help, create boundaries, create a schedule, stick to a sleep schedule, let go of things you cant change, practice mindfulness, create a social support network


What season do the most number of emergency visits occur?

Warmer months (summer)


Carlos has 7 cats. He lacks human interaction. Other than at work all he has is his cats. He is lonely. What prevention strategy should Carlos use?

Create a social support network


What type of nurses are most at risk for burnout?

High achievers, committed, those who strive for perfection, those who refuse to seek support


What hormone is reduced when mindfulness is practiced?



What is the symbol for nursing?

The caduceus 


Brianne loves nursing. When she's at work she is thinking only about nursing. When she is at home she researches nursing. Nursing is life to Brianne. She has discovered she only does things that involve nursing, she has begun to feel stressed. What prevention strategy should Brianne use?

Plan activities to decompress


What are 2 ways nursing burnout might impact patients and the care they receive in the hospital setting?

- Decreased quality of care

- Increased risk of medication errors

- Communication breakdown